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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. Not sure the command is correct though - will investigate... Here's a list of INDI drivers.
  2. I think there is but I don't know. One thing seems evident - installation is better in Ubuntu MATE than Raspbian. Here are some screenshots of the download etc. Astroberry Focuser search Astroberry download page Downloads folder gdebi package installer
  3. Just tried installing it in Ubuntu MATE Ran Firefox and found the Astroberry Focuser web site, downloaded the INDI driver and opened it in gdebi package installer by right clicking on the downloaded .deb file. Clicked Install and it went straight through reporting that the latest driver and same version was already installed, so installing the INDILib must have included it. Next thing then is to build the hardware. Could just run the simulator I guess...
  4. I don't think so. There is no feedback from the A4988 to the RPi, is there? So it can't tell if the driver is connected or not.
  5. I see... Oh dear I haven't tried installing the driver yet. I do seem to be having more success generally with Ubuntu MATE than I did with Raspbian though. It might be because I'm more familiar with Ubuntu than Raspbian as I use Linux Mint which is a fork off Ubuntu and is very similar. But that doesn't apply to the CLI as that is just pure Linux. I'm taking thinks fairly easy today after a very busy day yesterday so not rushing things - just pottering along
  6. Something wrong - the usual image post isn't working
  7. Found some connectors for the RPi GPIO pins In particular, an IDC connector on a 16way ribbon cable that fits the GPIO pins. This will connect to the required pins for the Astroberry INDI driver.
  8. Having nearly done my back in looking through boxes for something to connect to the GPIO pins and found nothing, I've ordered a connector and also a ribbon cable plus a couple of other bits from Amazon - due to arrive tomorrow. Wish I'd thought of this before...
  9. Captured best part of 100 OIII subs last night then it was meridian flip time so I changed to the Ha filter for alignment and rough focussing the SII filter, fine focussed and then went over to APT for SII imaging but by that time the cloud had thickened. Left it running overnight but on checking this morning saw no usable SII subs so I'll do those next clear night we get.
  10. Just modified a 5v 28BYJ-48 from unipolar to bipolar, opened the packet of the Pololu A4988 driver module and sorting out other bits. I could do with a connector for the RPi GPIO. I'll go and see what I can find...
  11. I already have the INDILib plus KStars/Ekos installed on my Ubuntu MATE RPi 3 so I'll just download and install the driver. I too am planning to check out all this today - I have a Pololu driver with A4988 ready to try. I shall also have the ASI788MM camera in all sky camera connected to the RPi and be testing that. The ASC is already indoors and ready to test. I shall need to change the 28BYJ-48 for a modified 5v version as the current one is 12v and was going to be run off Arduino Nano but I don't want to do that.
  12. True BUT... "The DRV8834 operates from 2.5–10.8 V" and my supply is 12v or 13.8v.
  13. I made a bit of a mess of the tabs on the stepper motor I modified too I may have a go with my modified stepper motor and A4988 Pololu driver tomorrow - been out a lot today but I'm in all day tomorrow. I have one driver left from my 3D projects. I expect to get some more soon or I might go for a different model.
  14. Clear sky and I'm imaging in OIII with 28MM lens. Still using 120s subs though I could have gone up a bit before saturating but since the final result is more dependent on total time I'm sticking with 120s so that I can use the same darks for calibration. Here is an OIII sub histogram stretched in Photoshop.
  15. Ah yes - I have read that I can buy a Mamiya 645 lens to EOS adapter and that could by connected to an EOS to T2 adapter to solve the problem in two steps.
  16. The smallest MXL timing pulley with 5mm bore is a 15t with pitch diameter just under 10mm meaning the big pulley would have to be a whopping 500mm diameter. Even the smallest pulley with 10t has a 6.7mm pitch diameter and hence 330mm big pulley - that's over a foot!! Not on. So the step down will have to be in two steps. Two steps of 5:1 and 10:1 would be possible, but for the pulleys available a 15t motor pulley would have to go with a 60t on intermediate shaft giving 4:1 leaving 25:2 for the final drive step. With another 15t pulley and 10mm pitch diameter the large pulley would be 125mm diameter (5"). This is quite feasible
  17. Anyway, without re-writing all the arithmetic, it works out that with a NEMA stepper motor motor with 1.8° step angle and 16x micro-stepping, a ratio of 100:1 would be required - very difficult to achieve in one go without using worm and worm gear and I haven't got the facilities to produce those. At first sight a NEMA stepper motor with built-in gearbox would look like a good idea but further investigation shows that their gearboxes are also not an exact integer ratio just like the 28BYJ-48! OTOH there are alternatives to the Pololu drivers that will do 32x micro-stepping meaning a ratio of 50:1 - a bit easier perhaps. I don't think 3D printed gears would be accurate enough and an alternative is belt drive with MXL timing belt and pulleys
  18. Drat - my post with all the calculations has disappeared
  19. If clear tonight as seems a possibility for a couple of hours, I shall be imaging with the 28mm lens in OIII. Meanwhile, I'm going to have a theoretical look at a fork mount for ASI1600MM-Cool + ZWO FW mini + SLR 35mm film camera lenses of 28mm to 200mm focal length. I estimate the total weight as around 1Kg and fork depth around 100mm or so. The mounting would consist of a 3D printed clamp system like a double sided version of the fitting I'm using with the dovetail mounting. I'll draw some diagrams in SketchUp later. The imaging rig mounting would have axles coming out of the sides with a drive wheel on one side of say 100mm diameter - this will form the DEC axis drive. For the RA drive the shaft of the fork is turned and the fork framework would have another large wheel for the RA drive.
  20. Quite so - no Arduinos involved Connect Pi GPIO to Pololu A4988 stepper driver and connect that to stepper motor "simples". And yes a 5v 28BYJ-48 wants 12v to drive it in bipolar mode. Handy because I have several 5v stepper motors I'm not using.
  21. Been out this morning and lunchtime but now back and have added the focuser quadrant gear which clamps onto the focus sleeve on the lens so now ready for remote focussing is the sky is clear tonight. Had some deliveries while I was out including another 64GB micro SD card and used medium format SLR camera lens - 45mm FL and f2.8 - quite some piece of glass I shall need to sort out the mounting as this has a bayonet mount.
  22. The RPi makes a mini obsy with dome and DIY fork mount a definite option. I could run a 12v feed from my main observatory for the power or maybe just a car battery in the base of the mini obsy. I would need to work out the maximum current required. An RPi could also provide the mini mount drive control. I would use NEMA stepper motors as the gearbox on the 28BYJ-48 motor has a peculiar ratio - it is only approximately 64:1 and I would want precise steps. I guess a mount is not as precise as a clock but avoiding a peculiar ratio gearbox is still best I reckon. With a widefield rig that is well polar aligned (I have the PoleMaster for that) the mount should only need RA tracking at 15 degrees per hour so sidereal tracking should be quite easy. A DEC drive would be needed for slewing of course. I would also use a NEMA stepper motor for the dome azimuth drive. Not sure about the shutter but I guess another NEMA would make things simple. I can see my large 3D printer having some work to do
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