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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. Yes, port is correct. I don't have anything connected to the UART pins. In fact this is with the ESP32 connected to nothing other than the USB. I'm using the standard Arduino IDE upload,
  2. Thought I had a couple of ways of determining if the ESP32s were alright or not. SSH to the IP address and ping to the IP address. Both failed. Then I tried with the known working ESP32 and that failed both tests too.
  3. Yes, definitely pressed the right button. I've changed code so often I could reprogram an ESP32 in my sleep! The ESPs were programmed to work with MQTT but I can't remember what as I've been swapping about too much. I do know that each was not working as intended but was partly working.
  4. Tried other USB ports including a USB2 rather than USB3. Still no joy! Any other ideas? I have 2 more ESP32s on the way but I hope the problem is not that I killed two ESP32s. I ordered 2 more because I expect to want 2 more not to replace duds!!!
  5. Yes tried a reboot - no joy. I'll try a different USB port. "I move to OTA" - What is OTA in this case. Guess it's not Optical Tube Assembly 🤣
  6. I have another problem. Can't upload sketch to ESP32. Tried cold rebooting Mint box but still the same. edit - Yes, I did press the BOOT button! Tried it with 2 ESP32s. HELP - please.
  7. Thanks for the warning. I never really trust anything I haven't had experience of and found trustworthy. I try to go for fail-safe and/or redundancy where it's important. I also tend to over-engineer.
  8. Nearly all my MQTT system deals with just useful information and you can see when it doesn't arrive. The only control I'm using it for is opening and closing the obsy roof and I have status feedback to check the command I've sent has worked. Also, I can see the obsy from my living room windows. (With lantern at night.) The status will return various messages depending on the state of the roof. Opening Open Closing Closed Stopped Fault All these fit in my standard 8 character message strings.
  9. The indoor ESP32 is working properly again now. Wonder if there was some problem being caused by the obsy unit. Hope it doesn't mean the RPi Zero W with broker, Node-RED and Dashboard wasn't being overloaded!! OTOH the outside unit was working fine.
  10. I now have it plugged into USB on my Mint box and running the Serial Monitor. It connects briefly every so often. Anyone any idea of what might have gone wrong? The test LED doesn't come on even with the Dashboard switch on. It sends data though.
  11. Problem - the indoor ESP32 unit has stopped connecting to MQTT.
  12. Interesting link but how do you use it - no instructions, just a huge wadge of code.
  13. I have the outside/obsy sensor unit working with MQTT. Just one little problem, looks like the DHT22 has come unplugged. ATM it's just connected with jumper wires. Think I'll bring it indoors and connect it properly!
  14. Gradually adding bits and bobs... Think I'm nearly ready to set up the outside and observatory sensor ESP32 unit for use with MQTT. I've set the Pressure to show up to 3 hours of data, the Temperature covers the last hour - might change that for a longer period.
  15. I'm gradually getting to grips with Node-RED and the Dashboard but so far I haven't found a way of setting the order or position of widgets in the dashboard. This is just testing ATM.
  16. All this is rather premature in one way - I haven't finished the hardware yet! OTOH I like to see that there's a way through to the end of a project, if possible, though there are times when I make it up as I go along!
  17. Well I said I had a lot to learn! Just found that the gauge widget already there has a "compass" variation.
  18. QoS 2 should virtually guarantee that a message gets through (providing everything is working, or course) though nothing is infallible. Where i'm relying on control to keep expensive equipment safe (such as ROR) I shall keep control local as far as possible. eg. with the ROR control, the rain detector will connect directly to the ESP32 controlling the motor - not rely on MQTT.
  19. I plan to go with the Node-RED Dashboard for the time being - "pretty" can come later if I feel like bothering. One thing I would like in a dashboard is a wind rose or a 360 degree pointer to show wind direction. I do have plans for a mechanical wall display for weather conditions though to build eventually. Showing wind direction in compass points will do for a start - ATM I have nothing for wind display and as they say "anything is better than nothing" 😁
  20. Conclusions so far :- MQTT seems very good Node-RED also seems well worthwhile Node-RED Dashboard should work for control but has a crude display and too few "widgets" to display data
  21. This is showing lots of promise 👍 Lots to learn though but making progress. This shows ROR control. 3 buttons. And this is a rough Dashboard. I shall separate it into groups or tabs. The ROR control will be on a different ESP32 with different name. There will also be roof status indicators.
  22. Found the problem. "Pass through msg if payload matches new state: " was set - unset it and the switch in Dashboard now works. This lets the switch icon show state of output. It also lets the message through and the LED lights up!
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