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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. This isn't looking promising... The cloud is stopping plate solving!
  2. Been out to the observatory and I think I've fixed it temporarily. It was power connections. OTOH there are strips of cloud continuously passing overhead so I don't know if imaging will be any good anyway.
  3. I have a fault - the filter isn't changing. Drat.
  4. Yes, heavy dew here too. Might be too much with an upwards pointing rig - we'll see. Probably have to venture out after dark with torch to check for dew on the lens if the image isn't clear.
  5. So far few clouds so I've set up ready for imaging. Living in hope...
  6. After a day of clear blue skies with barely a single little cloud in the sky, the clouds are now gathering for the night!!! 😕
  7. Well, I've been sorting through my huge collection of "stuff" and found a couple more RPi 3 boards so I'm not short of them. I also ordered a couple more RPi HATs from China which arrived a few days ago so I'm not short of those either. Thing is, I can finish getting the single rig working properly and then I can add another imaging rig later as an independent unit. Overall, I think this is the most sensible way to go. The dual rig would use the EQ8 mount and wouldn't look as much like "a pimple on a pumpkin" (or whatever the saying is... ) as the single widefield rig.
  8. The way I see of doing it is one instance of KStars/Ekos running the main rig with camera, focuser, EFW, mount and another for the second rig with camera, focuser and EFW (if fitted). Set up and slew to target with main system and get imaging then run second instance of KStars/Ekos, choose the other RPi name and start imaging with the second rig. Separate instances of Terminal would be required to run the separate RPi remote systems.
  9. There a short thread in the INDI Forum on the matter which I've added to. I reckon it can be done with two RPi control units, one for each rig with one controlling the mount, and two instances of KStars/Ekos on my indoor desktop under Mint but I would have liked to have just the one RPi. OTOH one advantage of two control units is redundancy (if one goes wrong I could still capture with the other).
  10. Looking to the future, with two ASI1600MM-Cool cameras and pairs of lenses it would make sense to produce a dual imaging rig. That would save refocussing between Ha/SII and OIII. I have had dual imaging rigs in the past but using Windows software - I shall have to see how KStars/Ekos/INDI can handle dual imaging. Anyone done this?
  11. There is also a question of dew. With the rig pointing upwards the chance of dew falling on the lens is very high so I might need a dew heater.
  12. Difference of opinion here for tonight's forecast - CO says cloudy, BBC says clear. If clear I have OIII subs I would like to collect. Otherwise, I need to take a look at the remote focus system as it isn't working but I'll leave that as the rig is fine for OIII with good focus.
  13. That looks good - thank you. I have already removed the adhesive now though. Worth getting anyway, I think, for other times the dreaded sticky stuff needs removing.
  14. Yeah - same here - looks like rain! 😕
  15. Hmmmpppfffff... the clear night sky has moved on to Monday with pretty solid cloud until then!
  16. Printing on my Concorde printer is now back to normal with a clear, unadulterated borosilicate glass plate.
  17. IPA did gradually loosen the adhesive and I was able to scrape some of it away from the glass with the end of a steel rule. That wasn't the end of it though, it was still hellish sticky and stuck to everything in sight. I ended up taking the heater pad off the glass and taking the latter out to the kitchen sink where further application of IPA plus water and detergent enabled me to scrape off the glue. More detergent, hot water and a good wash both sides followed by rinsing in cold water and drying with clean paper towel and I have a clean glass plate again. I have now put everything back and about to try a print.
  18. Now that's what I'd call a ground anchor!!
  19. Tried IPA - didn't touch it. Tried acetone - yes seemed to dissolve it but only made it even stickier. A soak in a bath of acetone might work but that much acetone would probably cost more than a new sheet of glass. Haven't tried white spirit - will do.
  20. Guess I should order a new borosilicate glass plate...
  21. Looks like the weekend may give the best next chance of some imaging.
  22. Got the PEI sheet off the glass and now I'm left with a horrible sticky mess - any suggestions??
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