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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. Here is a new circuit diagram for the power distribution box to cater for the new digital ammeters. The blue ammeter which shows total current is a different type.
  2. Checked the subs I got last night and the OIII and SII ones are all reasonable while about half the Ha ones are alright, the rest have cloud.
  3. Yes that agrees with my present single ammeter connections.
  4. I was wrong about the new ammeters. These seems to be connections.
  5. CO has a pretty grim forecast for the next week. And now the drizzle has turned to moderate rain...
  6. I did right to close up rather than leave everything running in the hope of gaps in the clouds - a fine drizzle this morning and everything is wet.
  7. Some stars out but also patches of cloud so I guess there was a patch where I was trying to image. All closed up and shut down now. Goodnight all. Anyone still at it - good luck.
  8. Picture has disappeared so I think I'll call it a night.
  9. Tried SII 240s exposure and stretched in GIMP. Quite faint but definitely there. This is showing promise. Tracking is adequate at up to 4m.
  10. Got 25 120s Ha subs and thought I'd try OIII. Should have refocused really but it doesn't look too bad.
  11. Using ROI to crop the image before download to reduce data.
  12. Running autofocus. Already vastly better than the 55nn lens - HFR of 1.65 px.
  13. Sky clear in area of interest and have a sub. Polaris was showing in centre of field with mount parked. Unparked mount and plate solved sample Cygnus image and slewed to target. Here's the full image. This is with just rough focussing.
  14. CO for here says rain in the early hours of tomorrow morning.
  15. I shall be keeping a close eye on the weather, ready to dash out and close up if the rain comes. Auto roof closing on rain detection is not ready yet.
  16. Two of the new digital ammeters arrived today and initial testing with a DMM would indicate a separate current shunt from the circuit power supply. I'll check some more tomorrow.
  17. The clouds appear to be clearing and I've opened up and set up my imaging rig ready for dark. Fingers crossed!
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