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Beyond the Event Horizon
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Everything posted by Gina

  1. I've ordered some digital panel ammeters and voltmeter for a new power distribution box. I already have fuses and switches. Meanwhile, I've disconnected the current box and brought it indoors for servicing.
  2. I've programmed in Fortran too and several other languages. Mostly I use C++ these days with a touch of Python (though it's been a while since I used Python).
  3. It's many years since I used one of those Velleman boards. Nowadays I use the Raspberry Pi to which I add my own interfaces.
  4. Just checked the subs captured overnight with Blink and there was quite a lot of cloud passing over after I went to bed. Not many usable images.
  5. I think I'll go to bed and leave it running - capturing a couple of hundred 60s OIII subs or clouds depending... 'Night all 😀
  6. Drat! A blooming great dollop of cloud has appeared in the middle of the image!
  7. I'm getting ahead of myself! First I need to get the remote focus on this rig working.
  8. I wonder if the controller unit on the Esprit scope if working alright. Might check that tomorrow. Unfortunately, FOV won't cover the Cygnus Loop - needs a 135mm lens. Hmm... time I set up a rig with 135mm lens. I have 135mm f2.8 lenses. Wonder if I could get away without guiding... Guess it will depend on how good my PA is.
  9. I need to get this fixed regardless if there might be imaging tomorrow night!
  10. I miss it summat awful!! Particularly when this system can autofocus so effectively!
  11. I can only image in OIII because I haven't got remote focus working and Ha/SII are out of focus. Vintage SLR camera lenses are not fully apochromatic right into the deep red of Ha and SII.
  12. Here's a crop of the OIII in the Crescent region.
  13. Cygnus Loop at full resolution. 4600x3560 pixel resolution is pushing things a bit I think with the lens at full aperture. This is a crop of the full image retaining the resolution.
  14. Fair enough. I forgot you had an awkward mount.
  15. KStars/Ekos/INDI is free and the single board computer to control the imaging, mount etc. is around £30. There are a few other bits needed but £50 should cover it. Indoors, KStars/Ekos can be run on Windoze, Linux, Mac etc.
  16. Well, I'm not going to bed just yet so there's a chance of imaging if things improve.
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