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Posts posted by sloz1664

  1. Hi Hugh,

    I'm just getting over a chest infection the bacterial infection has finally left me with. Pretty scary when you are an asthmatic. The work you have put in this project is pretty amazing and the pcb boards look very profesional indeed. I'm hoping to pick up, where I left off, next week, when I get my strength back.


  2. 5 hours ago, hughgilhespie said:

    Hi Steve,

    Sorry to hear that you are poorly and I wish you a speedy recovery. There is no rush and no pressure, so take your time and get fully fit before starting the build.

    I am still plugging away at trying to teach myself KiCad so that I can replace the American sourced nRF24L01 breakout board with a PCB. Assuming I am successful - which is quite an assumption - the boards will be available directly from Aisler.net in Germany. The main problem I am having is that there have been very big changes in the latest version of KiCad (5.1.4) and all of the hundreds of Youtube videos that are available use an earlier version so the commands are different. I am slowly getting there but it is a struggle!

    Anyway, take care, take it easy and make a full recovery.

    Regards, Hugh



    Hi Hugh,

    For my sins, I was a professional CAD engineer for many years. SolidWorks, SolidEdge & Catia 3D. Still wish I'd been given a career direction into software development though.


  3. Hi Hugh,

    It seems the project is has been thrown a bit of a curve ball. I have recently arrived back from an extended holiday and have fallen foul of a nasty bacterial infection that has knocked me sideways somewhat. I will have a look at the updated info and continue the build once I'm fit and well to proceed the soldering tasks. 

    Kind regards


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