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Posts posted by sloz1664

  1. I have the Avalon Linear Reverse and love it. Once set-up and balanced it will track superbly. It makes me smile when I see PHD2 guiding a 1 sec and the graph looking like the Himalayas, but the finished subs having nice tight round stars. If you don't need the extra weight, and I would think very carefully on this point before making your mind up. If not, choose the Avalon.


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  2. Hi Sam,

    Very interesting project & looking forward to your progress. I understand you are still in the developing/build phase of your project and is far from complete. But, may I add some pointers you may consider:-

    Your actuator clamping points need to be strengthened. I advise adding fillet plates to the vertical & horizontal framework on both vertical sides of your Obsy. To strengthen the framework & a means to securing the actuator hinge points, I understand the actuators are taking the brunt of the work, but, your hinge points need ample support also. In fact, any moving part mounting point needs to be robustly supported.

    As you are going to using this in a remote capacity I would certainly add an anemometer to check wind speed. Unfortunately, and I can understand why, your design is not aerodynamic and the main body would act as a sail in windy conditions. I use the AAG Cloudwatcher, with the additional anemometer, as my weather sensor and set-up in safe mode within SGPro.


  3. 11 hours ago, martin_h said:

    A very good reason for automation happened to me last night. I started my imaging run at 20.00 hrs and went to bed at 22.00 hrs, at 23.00 hrs it clouded over (typical!), the observatory shut down and parked the scope, closed the roof etc, then sat there in anticipation until 03.00 hrs when it cleared and everything fired up and continued to image untill 05.30 when the run finished.

    I'm still edging towards full automation, Martin. Just have manage the dome shutter to realise the dream. Reading your post has made me so eager to complete my mission. Really great to see yours working really well, mate.


  4. 29 minutes ago, geoflewis said:

    OMG I hadn't picked up on this SGP/Win 7 announcement, so I just checked it out.

    I find computers (other than just using them) a complete nightmare, not made any better in that the brand new £1300 Win 10 pro, gaming spec laptop that I just bought for home use and astro processing was faulty and I've only just received the replacement last week after many hours of tech support over a few weeks, which confirmed that the original was a dud...!! As I'd purchased 3 years premium tech support (turned out to be such a good decision) with the laptop, I even got them to remotely set up the replacement laptop to be sure that it wasn't me that f**ked up the original...!! The prospect of me having to upgrade my old observatory laptop's Win7 to Win10 terrifies me - I'm sure it's a piece of cake for you techy folks, but for me this is is a disaster waiting to happen.....😱.

    Steve, I note that you compiled a disc image of your Win 7 machine before loading Win 10, so is that an absolute requirement, or were you just taking extra precautions - I have no idea how to do that, not even sure I understand what it is.... 🙄.

    What happens if I do nothing and just continue with Win 7?

    A very anxious Geof 😰



    Hi Geoff,

    The disc image was the backup in case Windows 10 didn't work for my needs. I'd then restore the image backup and have my old Win 7 machine as it was previously. I downloaded the FREE version of Amomi Backupper Standard and loaded the disc image onto an external HDD. My disc image was 178 GB.


    • Thanks 1
  5. Talking of computer issues and associated problems. I was merrily plodding along, minding my own business, and happy in the thought I had a trouble free system.... When SGPro announced it was NOT supporting Win 7 in the New Year. This meant that I would have to upgrade to Window 10. I'm not afraid of the operating system, far from it, I have it installed on three machines already. It's the fact is it "astronomy ready" I have built a fair few Arduino projects that automate a fair bit of my equipment and an old filterwheel that has never let me down. All of which I need to work but don't know they are Win 10 compliant. So in a moment of "He who dares" I compiled a disc image of my Win 7 machine and Loaded Win 10........ An hour or so later I had a fully functional Win 10 machine, fully compliant with my astro gear. The only casualty was my old Philips SNC900NC webcam I used to monitor the Observatory. Well pleased.




  6. 8 hours ago, wimvb said:

    A proven concept, I'd think 😉


    No need to rotate the camera and no one telling me that images must be landscape oriented. Just crop the final image to get the best composition. 

    But back to the original question : the 533 promises amp glow free images. That might be worth considering. 

    Imaging sensors were originally manufactured for the photographic community and they haven't used a square format since the old 2 1/4" black & white film. The majority of astro sensors are used in photographic sensors, basically to reduce cost.


  7. 2 hours ago, AndyThilo said:

    Yeah but a couple of things put me off, the square sensor makes for tricky composition on targets like Orion, and from the graphs the QE on the 294 is higher than the 533. Also not sure on delivery date as some places are stating Jan next year!

    I can't understand ZWO's logic on a square sensor. All computer / tv screens are widescreen, which lends itself to rectangular sensors.


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