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Posts posted by sloz1664

  1. Hi Lance, That's a great first image and a lot better than my first. You mention processing and it is the hardest aspect of the final imaging process, but the good news is you can practice during daylight hours and on cloudy nights :) Carry on collecting your imaging whenever you can. There are lots of processing tutorial videos on youtube.



  2. Fabulous image Martin, I love the amount of blue detail you have managed to eked out, and yes, Iprefer the first image. But that's the Pixinsight processor in me. I tend to add the Ha with the red via pixelmath to produce a overly vivid red image, the use the Ha as the lum which, in turn, tones it down to an acceptable level.


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  3. Hi all,

    Managed to get just over 3 hours each of Sii, Oiii, Ha in 20 min exposures of IC410, combined in the SHO Hubble Pallet. Taken with the WO Star71 and Atik 383L combination and all taken on the last couple of days of clear skies. Processed with APP & Pixinsight.



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  4. Hi John, I feel your pain & no you are not an idiot, back focal distance is the biggest bain in astroimaging. I had a WO Z71 and the Flat6 when they were first released and I had trouble obtaining the correct back focus as there were conflicting distances on various websites. I eventually contacted WO direct to obtain the correct distance. It is not an easy operation adjusting back focus, re-focusing, downloading the image and inspecting it hopefully to see a nice flat field. If not,to go through the whole operation again. I found it frustrating and I used the Baader VariLock adjustable extension tube in my imaging train. I could not contemplate having to go through the adjustments using delrin spacers and having to break into the imaging train. 😱



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