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Posts posted by sloz1664

  1. 4 minutes ago, JamesF said:

    Ah, yes, could be that the CMOS battery doesn't like being too cold and that causes a problem at start-up.

    I'll check the logs for any RAM/HD issues (though it has a fairly new SSD so hopefully there shouldn't be any of the latter).


    I keep my obsy computer running during the colder months. The internal heat inside the case helps keep the computer working efficiently.


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  2. Hi Ray,

    Although I don't use the QSI, I do use OAG's on both my Tall 200K and my WO 71 Star. With regards to focal points of various filters, it depends on whose software you are using for your imaging. On both MaximDL & SGPro you can set the focal distance per filter. Once selected the filter will be within the tolerance required for auto focusing. The guiding focus will not be affected by the small focus movements required by each filter.


  3. 1 hour ago, Gina said:

    It's many years since I used one of those Velleman boards.  Nowadays I use the Raspberry Pi to which I add my own interfaces.

    Any of the recently introduced micro computers is the way to go. Unfortunately programing is now beyond me, I dabbled with Fortran in the early 80's and that's it. CNC programming, and hand written in the early days, was my fortay.


  4. 18 hours ago, Bukko said:

    My first thought was a fourth weight, but they are almost Eur500 each... The extension bar is half that price and its weight will probably be enough..

    The dome was a big space - 3m diameter - which is now pretty full too...

    It didn't look that big at Astrofest.. (Should have gone to Specsavers) 😲


    Absolutely crazy, how can anyone justify Eur500 for a lump of metal, however they tart it up. I had a similar issue with Avalon on their additional weights, although it didn't amount to anywhere near Eur500. I took one of my existing weights to a CNC machine shop and they made me one better than the original and for 1/3rd the price.


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  5. Hi Joaquim, and welcome back to the Lounge :) That's a nice SW Dob you have there, many fruitful hours using it. I fell in love with Barcelona the first time I visited it. How are you able to move around the city with so many tourists visiting your magnificent city.


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  6. Hi Hugh,

    Just reviewed your comprehensive instructions on the "Magic Wire" Shutter Control and they are excellent. Although I haven't seen the circuit diagram, you have listed, in the Technobots section, ceramic capacitors, but no reference to their rating?

    Just want to order the components, but I have a good stock at home. Although I have ordered the components from Embedded Coolness.



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