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Everything posted by dweller25

  1. It’s always great to see the ISS zoom across the sky 👍
  2. I think extra terrestrial life probably exists, but nature in it’s infinite wisdom keeps us well apart.
  3. I also like a nice refractor, or two 😁
  4. I don’t know which charm school you went to but you really should sue them 🙂
  5. I know exactly what you mean, it does not look nice, but the increase in sharpness and contrast overcame my aesthetic objections 🙂
  6. Is your C6 wrapped with reflectix ? I wrapped my C6 with 2 layers and suddenly my “seeing” got better.
  7. Saturn, low in the SSE around 9:30pm 👍
  8. Hello @tbones147 and welcome to SGL, you have made a great choice for your first scope. Things you may need to do…. 1. When you take it out give it chance to cool down or the views will be poor. 2. Don’t observe on a hot table, hot concrete or near or over heat sources, grass is best. 3. Learn how to collimate the scope. 4. Use the supplied eyepieces for now ( perhaps the 20mm is 0.96” fitting not the modern 1.25”) but be aware they are very basic so maybe consider BST Starguiders at some point. 5. Download “Stellarium” - very good, free (but you can donate) sky simulation software. 6. Enjoy
  9. Does anyone know a good moderator who knows the answer to @Stu’s question ? 😂 I would like to know as I have a couple of pics I could supply.
  10. As others have said the BST Starguiders are a good value upgrade. I think your scope is an F/5 so it has a focal length of 650mm. A 25mm eyepiece will give you x26 (650/25) so that is good for deepsky. For the planets around x160 would be good - that’s a 4mm eyepiece. You did not mention the Moon but around x80 upwards is good so that’s an 8mm eyepiece. So I would suggest you buy a 25mm and an 8mm and a x2 Barlow that both eyepieces will fit into. That will give powers of : 25mm = x26 25mm barlowed = x52 8mm = x81 8mm barlowed = x162 There may be other options that suit you better.
  11. I never had a C11 but does the primary have a locking nut around the primary baffle ? If so it may need snugging up ? This may help….. https://astroshed.com/observatory/c11saga/c11saga.htm
  12. As long as you stay away from faint fuzzies then in my opinion a refractor is the way to go. You don’t mention budget levels, so for starters I would suggest this 100mm F/10 achromat. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/evostar/skywatcher-evostar-102-eq3-2.html For more money this 80mm ED may be of interest…. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/stellamira-telescopes/stellamira-80mm-ed-f10-refractor-telescope-with-rp-focuser.html Or for another £100 you can get 100mm ED which is getting good reviews. https://www.firstlightoptics.com/starfield-telescopes/starfield-102mm-f7-ed-doublet-refractor.html The last two would need a suitable mount. Good luck.
  13. y’now it’s not that long ago that even professional observatories would have been happy with images like these Neil 👍
  14. I wear specs, so use Plossl/Ortho pairs - 25mm/20mm/18mm. Then I have a pair of Viven 15mm LV's And finally a pair of Pentax 12mm XF's for high power (x240 in my setup). I use either a x1.25 or x2.6 glass path corrector in my prism diagonal depending on which scope I am using to get the best magnification - which is usually high for the planets. Your C9.25 has a long focal length so maybe plossls/orthos bought second hand would be a good choice.
  15. Thanks Neil, that tells me two things.... 1. Your good at processing the raw data. 2. I'm not doing too bad visually perhaps a bit better than your single image but not quite as good as your stacked image 🤣🤣
  16. I am just trying to get feel for how Jupiter looked visually compared to a processed image, or are you saying you can see more than what a single frame shows ?
  17. That’s a really good image Neil. It would be interesting to post a single frame to show how it looked visually.
  18. That’s strange as you opened your new julianxxx account on March 9th, but you used your old juliangeorgeshaw account on August 16th !
  19. I did and found a member called juliangeorgeshaw - who seems to be well regarded and lives in France, but you are julianxxx !
  20. Just wondering how you could you find your previous posts if your post count is 1 - which is the post above ?
  21. Are you talking to yourself ? 😱🤪🤪😂 You need more clear nights to get out with your Tak 👍
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