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My First Pictures

These are my first ever pictures I have taken with a telescope. I think these are quite good for my first time. Although, I'd quite like to experiment a bit more with focus, exposure and editing. If anyone has any tips, please leave them here!



Wanted - SCT OTA 8"

Hi, looking for an 8" SCT OTA, C8 ideally, but open to other options, can anyone help? Cheers, Phil.



ETX 60 Astrophotography

Hi Guys, I am 15 and quite new to astronomy. I have a meade ETX-60 AT Telescope. I wondered (apart from the LPI) what should I use to take pictures with it? Thanks Ben



Dark Skies

After sitting watching the news and being constantly bombarded with information abou how to save energy throughout the home BY THE GOVERNMENT. I wonder at the waste of energy Councils and the goverment allow, when everywhere we look there are streetlights, motorway lights, buildings lit as if its daylight and various other lghts spoiling the night sky. Now i am not saying we could switch them all off but surley we could turn some of them off not only restoring some of the night sky for our child



I have a 5 inch paperweight.

Well what can I say? As Richard Wilson might have it "I don't believe it!" The weather once again had conspired against me to delay delivery of the nice new ETX 125 that I had ordered to replace the broken ETX 80 that I wrote about last time. But the big cardboard box duly arrived on Friday. Excitedly I unpacked the goods and wasted no time getting the scope set up - even if clear skies were not forecast for a while it wasn't going to deter me from aligning the finder and just seeing how things



I've been having a bit of a break

I got the little Meade ETX 80 in November sometime and had been using it on and off on a grab and go basis since then. One such occasion presented itself a couple of weeks ago now on Wed 6th. The night time temperatures of -11 or so were keeping me generally at bay and this one was no different - except that for once the sky was crystal clear and the seeing was rather steady. Being the chicken that I am I decided to pop the scope on a window ledge and have a scout around for some of the Mmms in



dual focusser

morning everyone, i'm looking for a dual speed focuser for my skywatcher pro180. i'm a novice so don't know if i should be replacing the existing focuser or adding another to the diagonal. any thoughts or recommendations?



Help! How to install Polar axis finder on CG-5 mount?

Hi All, I am brand new to this and have set up my scope/mount etc but have just purchased the CG-5 polar axis finder and need help on how to remove the finderscope housing on the rear of the telescope's polar housing in order to install the polar axis finder! Any help would be appreciated. THANKS



Skywatcher Equinox ED100 vs Celestron C100 EDR?

Hi, does anyone have experience of how the two scopes above compare in practice? I know that Equinox has a better build and focuser, (crayford vs R&P), but optically I have heard that they are very similar and both very good.. I've just ordered the Celestron from FLO, complete on a CG-5 manual mount (which I have owned before and know is a good stable mount), and I couldn't resist the all in price of just £485 - about £150 less than the Equinox OTA alone! I'd appreciate the views of anyone w



help needed setting up telescope

I have been given a second hand panaview sky series telscope but it doesn't have a manual how to set it up or use it with it. Can anyone please send me information re how to set it up and how to use it



Will I ever be happy with my scope!

Well here we go again.. sold the Orion Optics SPX200 a few months ago.. what a mistake. So need more apature.. The little 150p is great scope, but need more apature. Rob



Excitable Newbie's Night Of Firsts

No more 'sidewalk astronomy' for me, my friends. Tonight I finally managed to get myself to a nice, dark location with -believe it or not- not a cloud in sight. I'm not going to pretend it went without a hitch, in this case a badly alligned RDF on the ol' astromaster. One piece of equipment I find hard enough to use already. But undeterred, I decided to aim for something even I'd find hard to miss - the Moon. Considering this was my first view of it through a telescope, I'll happily admit I was



Excitable Newbie's First Light

Okay, not much to report, but i'm still chuffed! Mainly because I didn't manage to completely [removed word] my scope collimating it before I'd even used it. But thats another story! My scope (a *cough* 5'' newtonian - everyone seems to prefer skywatcher) finally 'arrived' today, bringing christmas with it as far as I'm concerned. As you can imagine i was quite happy. All I needed was a bit of clear sky, so all night i've switched between checking sat24 and hanging out of my window cursing the



Excitable Newbie Alert

Just thought i'd say hi. I've been captivated (and more than slightly intimidated) by all that up there for as long as i can remember. And being of shoddy natural eyesight i've only ever been able to see anything with my near antique 10x50's. But this year, hopefully, everything changes - i've just ordered a 130mm reflector. I know it's not much, but it's a start (and all my budget can currently stretch to!) So any suggestions at what would be good to point it at this time of year? When it turns



...and a partridge in a pear tree

The twelve days of Christmas was what came to mind on Saturday night (19th - 20th) as, encouraged by the clear, crisp but cold weather I suited up to try out the new MRF I talked about last time... 3 pairs of socks, 2 wooly ha-ats, and a hot flask of teaeee.... (OK maybe not X-Factor material)... along with gloves, 2 undershirts, a shirt, a fleece and a windproof jacket :-) - all of which were needed in the -8 deg C refigerator that passed for my garden... The Michelin man cometh!..... and out I



Computer controlled Alt-Az versus EQ wedge?

Question? I'm new to this and have been devouring info. Just picked up the Clelstron Nexstar 4SE with SkyAlign. There are several methods to obtain proper alignment. For general viewing purposes, I understand that the computerized Alt-Az control should maintain objests in the field of view for extended periods of time. Am I correct that utilizing the built in EQ wedge and proper polar alignment, would be even better at maintaining objects in the filed of view, and also eliminate object rotation



Point! Shoot!

Point! Shoot! Pointing the tube thingy is easy - but getting it to point at something that you actually want to view is, well another matter entirely. I hadn't realised just how akward it would be to aim even my little scope and have spent plenty much time flailing around the sky trying to get the target of my attention into the FOV. This is not helped by being unfamiliar with what one actually sees in that little circle of darkeness - you line it up with what you think will be a familiar sight



EMS Meeting 16.12.2009

EMS Meeting 16.12.2009 A basic summary of what happened at our EMS Meeting 16.12.2009 In attendance were: Doc Glider PhilJ Rusty Strings Red dwalf Steve922 Ibbo Brantuk BazSenior Bryndalf ***** Before the meeting Glider got confirmation from Mr Coaker, regarding the use of the dark site at Sawley, Long Eaton. Mr Coaker will allow us use of the field as long as it's outside the times of the Model Aircraft Clubs flying schedule. We get two keys and must keep off the grass runway an



EMS Meeting 16.12.2009

EMS Meeting 16.12.2009 A basic summary of what happened at our EMS Meeting 16.12.2009 In attendance were: Doc Glider PhilJ Rusty Strings Red dwalf Steve922 Ibbo Brantuk BazSenior Bryndalf ***** Before the meeting Glider got confirmation from Mr Coaker, regarding the use of the dark site at Sawley, Long Eaton. Mr Coaker will allow us use of the field as long as it'soutside the times of the Model Aircraft Clubs flying schedule. We get two keys and must keep off the grass runway and stay within



Grumpy Old Man

Well, never blogged before but am already bored. Was diagnosed with swine flue earlier this week and just hope it clears up before the fat guy comes down the chimney! So far have missed the work christmas lunch, daughters school play (shes the ghost of christmas past) And tonight the first meeting of the East Midlands Stargazers (and in a pub!). Its also tipping down here, which is good coz I'd be tempted to go out (stupidly) although I don't think I've got the energy to carry the mount out. The

Scott Tilley

Scott Tilley

Moving on up.

i recently bought an Orion XT8i Dobsonian. The base was delayed so i just got the tube today. Bad thing about Florida now, is that it is cloudy. But its good because i can wait for the base to come on monday. I had to collimate it. Cant wait till the skies clear up.



The dimmest object you can see is your own reflection in the mirror :-)

You know how it is, flushed with new scope enthusiasm - you jump out at any opportunity to set up and have a skoot around the sky. So it was with me in the first few days after the brown box arrived - not that I have lost the bug yet of course. I was being assiduous in handling the little baby but as is the way with things still fumbling about occasionally dropping stuff or picking things up and ever so slightly getting my big paw prints everywhere. Well I had been reading as it happens - about



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