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M13 on a cool July night

With the skies still so light even after 11pm I am trying my hand at some wide-field viewing using my new Startravel 80. I went outside and turned to the first object for the Summer Season in the book 'Turn Left at Orion' - M13, The Great Globular Cluster. It was relatively easy to find using the description to follow from Arcturus to Gemma, then find the Keystone. I now also have Star Walk on the iPad which is a positive boon for quickly identifying the stars I'm pointing it at (I'm all for mo



starry nights pro pluss 6

Hi all well just spent most of the day play in about with the copy i brought of SN-PRO PLUS 6 and the ascom pluggin,man what a pain i no this is so simple to do and could not get it to play ball so i decided that stellarium is for me at least thats almost plug and play with the scope.with all drivers built in a can not send snpp6 back to the company off amazon "because you undid the box" we can not except it back . tried sn website the help section just blew my brains out my ears ,on the up si



my horrible day!

hi all well phewwwww am glad to day is done because what a day its been the new serial to usb came today all excited i unwrapped it and thought good by to the old one which i trapped in the door 4 nights ago half a sleep,half awake ,i trapped it in a heavy door big ali one chopped it clean in half. so to flea bay i went thinking a cheap one at 10 quid would do the job,not!what a hassle it turnede out to be i riiged every thing up and thouht all would work well all plug and play the laptop top i



My published picTures Derbyshire Times 14th july 2011

hi all sent a pic in to the local paper and they printed it i have seen many nlc pics but the clouds are normaly white and glowing never in color here they are i now no what they are they asked me to send in my astro pic but i think they not worthy ,yet! thanks for looking pat clear skies always



meade Auto star #497 alignment stars northern hemisphere

hi all am sure any one that gets a meade goto scope and as not really thought about the alignment thing ,so you set up and are not sure were any thing is star wise it then says "slewing to Etamin" as you gasp and get you books and stellarium going a bet you wish you just had a print out to show the stars in the conste http://www.weasner.com/etx/autostar/AlignmentStars497A4.pdf found this as a was searching for some thing else it also shows the southern hem so download it my help if you do



ATIK responds!

A quick post to say we've had a response from ATIK. They're happy to work with us under NDA - obviously we need to see the details of the NDA however I see this working out like their currently free-to-use drivers for Windows with the AOSX plugin being available for people to use through AOSX. I'll keep you updated!



moon last night

took a few vids of the moon last night 90mm spc900 picsare 40% zoomed on average each pic had about 1200 frames each or there abouts was doge in the clouds most of the night http://s473.photobucket.com/albums/rr93/todd8137/15%207%202011%200125/ thanks pat



The little telescope that COULD!

Being on vacation makes it hard for me to come online. This entry is a feeble attempt to reconnect with those that thirst for the stars. I hope everyone is doing well! July 12th, 2011 I couldn't wait to try my summer telescope ever since I had purchased it many weeks ago, My new acquisition was nothing compared to my ocular masterpiece (Sky-Watcher seen below) back in the north. Let's just say that there is quite a difference between an aperture of 10" and one of 4.5". However




hi all lots of people ask me what settings i use on sharpcap so here is a try at how to set it up be gentle its my first attempt at doing this and use in the software to do it 50 goes latter i got there not the best how to video in the world but its a start YouTube - ‪todd8137's Channel‬‏ thanks for looking pat



sharpcap video

hi all lots of people ask me what settings i use on sharpcap so here is a try at how to set it up be gentle its my first attempt at doing this and use in the software to do it 50 goes latter i got there not the best how to video in the world but its a start http://www.youtube.com/user/todd8137?feature=mhee thanks for looking pat



Help turn the street lights down in Derbyshire(form)

hi all to those in derbyshire heres a online form to fill in to lower and dim street lights in derbyshire please fill in the form to help the cause http://forms.derbyshirepartnership.gov.uk/tempdocs/000001305/Part%20Night%20Lighting%20Questionnaire.HTM do not forget we pay3.2 million a year dimming the lights would save 700,000 a year and lower DC COUNCILS CARBON EMISSIONS BY 3% up to 75 % of the country as done this crime and anti socail probs have not gone up or down please fill the form in



Moon with my Finepix Camera

I'm very new to astrophotography ,the other night I got this amazing close-up of the moon and thought i'd post it here. I hope soon to try to photograph planets, Jupiter ,saturn etc ,anyone know how I would go about doing that? ,I have some idea but I could use some advice. :) http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/4/dscf0619xy.jpg/



Last nights deep sky image stacked.

Hi, I've now stacked 20 and 45 images using deep sky stacker, which was really simple to use. I also used gimp to adjust the curves, I think. Luckily I had 5 darks on file, so I managed to remove some pollution as well. Seem to be a much clearer, crisper image now. I think I still need a lot of experience stacking and adjusting curves, but its a start.



A possible sticking point for ATIK support in AOSX..

I've been playing with the 383L+ again for a couple of hours and one aspect may be a sticking point of ATIK support in AOSX - the copyright of the CCD firmware. In short, each time the ATIK driver initialises the ATIK high speed cameras, it downloads a small application that runs on the 383L's 8051 microcontroller. I'm assuming this firmware is written by ATIK, or at least not by Cypress, and therefore I suspect this would be copyrighted to ATIK (although no copyright is present in the code). Th



space clouds ?

HI all last night came in the house packed every thing away looked out the toilet window and saw these clouds a saw some pics the other day on sgl but thought i would never see the it was around 02:45 iso 200, 5 secs cheers pat clear skies ps as you can see the painted out street lights may garden is now in total darkness



Late night tonight / early morning

Pretty chuffed tonight. I saw Jupoter in the east this morning, and also saw Andromeda for the first time with my Camera on a 20sec exposure, which you can see in the bottom RH corner of the second image. I'm pretty pleased about finding Andromeda, as it's the firsy galaxy I've ever spotted.




STS 135 Atlantis launched this afternoon, watched live. Another flawless launch. http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/videogallery/index.html?media_id=100244431

mr saddo

mr saddo

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