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6mm TMB or Williams Optics SPL?

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Hi Steve

As you can see i have them both and like both of them but if push came shove and i had to give one of them up i myself would keep the TMB i just think it gives the slighty more pleasing view

And the price you can get them for at mo dont think you can go wrong really


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I dont know what the price difference is and i have never used the SPL but i do not think you will be disappointed with the TMB planetary (original or TS clone). Whether it's "worth" the extra money is pretty subjective - is an ethos worth the extra money? Most people who have them I guess would say yes...

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I've got the 6mm SPL and it is a cracking EP! Nice dark background gives plenty of contracts, sharp from edge to edge. I've used it on DSOs as well as planetary stuff and it's just as capable on both. I've used it with a f/5 Newt, and f/13 Mak and a ED80 frac and it has performed well with all.

However, I've never used a TMB, so canoot comment.

If you can get a SPL though, you wont be sorry. I'm not getting rid of mine for love nor money!

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I've used both and there's really nothing to choose between them optically. The SPL is better finished on the outside though.

There was only one TMB Type I made, the original 6mm which had a problem. The improved 6mm was called the Type II to differentiate between them. All the other focal lengths ever made are the same spec as the Type IIs, even though they're not called Type IIs.

The SPLs are £68.50 new and the TMBs can be bought for £36.00 new.


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I have used both. I really like the WO 12.5mm so I'm bias towards toward the SPL. I have not used the 6mm as much, but I can say both the 6mm TMB and the 6mm SPL give very pleasing views.

Is the SPL worth the extra cash? No, probably not, especially since you can get TMB clones on ebay for 38 quid posted.

1.25" 6mm 58 Degree TMB designed Planetary eyepiece on eBay (end time 04-Jul-10 19:24:39 BST)

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The TMB eyepieces are such a good deal at the moment you can't go wrong with them.

If the SPLs and the TMBs were going for similar prices then I would go for the SPLs as they are beautifully finished, but at nearly half the price it's got to be the TMBs.


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So should I get the type II TMB over the standard one?

They are the same optically so it doesn't make any difference. Only the style of the eyepiece barrel is different. I went with the first one as I could get other focal lengths in the same style.

1.25" 6mm 58 Degree TMB designed Planetary eyepiece


1.25" TMB 6mm Premium Planetary II Eyepiece




The Type I 6mm TMB hasn't been available new for a couple of years now.

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Thanks for clearing that up for me John.

What other TMB focal lengths have you got?

Now I just have to find a way of not alerting the wife to my purchase (she has the ebay account).


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I seem to have amassed a fair collection of them now including the 5mm, 6mm, 7mm, 8mm and 9mm. A couple of the longer focal lengths have just arrived, but I haven't had the chance to try them out yet. :D The 7mm and 8mm were obtained from Telescope Service but are identical to the ones from Skys the Limit.

You could allways telephone or email them and pay by cheque or postal order :evil6:

Overall I've been very impressed with them, and you can't beat them for the money. I've been putting together a collection of "lower cost" but good eyepieces that could be left in the car boot without being concerned about them and in general they're cheap enough that it wouldn't be a disaster if you dropped one and ruined it. Now if I dropped one of my Naglers or an Ethos or Pentax there could be some language inappropriate for this forum. :p


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Hi John,

I assume you are referring to the 15/20/25mm versions that are available from 'Skys the Limit'. I'd be very interested to hear how they turn out when you get a chance to test them.

I've got the 8mm on the way - I'm hoping it will be easier to view through than my 8mm Hyperion, which is rather fussy about eye position and short on eye relief for obseving with spectacles on. I've promised myself I'll only keep one of the two...

I'm kind of suprised that there isn't one in the 12-13mm range - the jump from 9mm to 15mm seems a big gap that could do with filling.



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