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Around Deneb.

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This isn't my capture but that of our guest Idir who lives in the higher Alpes and has some LP to contend with. I think it's a darned good capture on his part. This processing is mine to demo some techniques. It was done with a modded 350D and a Sigma APO DG 70-300mm at 70mm f/5

and had 9 hours all in. The data had clean stars edge to edge and was in excellent focus. I rarely get to touch CLS filtered data, DSLR data of any kind and DSLR Ha (about 6 hours here) so it was very interesting. Whenever I've processed CLS data it's struck me that the blue has suffered the most. Anyway, I like this (and can say so since it isn't mine!) Noise reduction wasn't necessary though I applied a tiny bit to the dark stuff. The starclouds top left and lower right are astounding in the larger version. I'm itching to point the scopes at them.


Bigger; http://ollypenrice.smugmug.com/Other/Takahashi-EM200TEC140/i-g3ZqcB2/0/X3/Idir%20Cygnus%20Web-X3.jpg



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Thats real nice and nicely processed. Any idea of the sub lengths and ISO detials?  Are you producing a processing video tutorial Olly ? ;))))

I've just obtained a video-making software product and will be experimenting with it, thanks to Idir. I warn you that I'm a slow processer and flit promiscuously between programmes. I also proceed by looking at the image and asking it what it needs, so the idea of a set 'workflow' is a little alien to me, though of course I do have a general trend. Idir's capture detail are on the French forum and he's outside imaging at the moment but I'll look them up ASAP.


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Thanks Olly. Regarding the tutorial your style may prove very beneficial in teaching. The  workflow tutorials are fine but are kinda of like bootcamps, they may teach you what to do but not necessarily why to do it. Whereas by the sounds of it your processing sounds a little thoughtful based on realtime results rather than just going through the routine. (im not by the way suggesting anyone doesnt react to visual aspects as they go through the process).

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Thanks Olly. Regarding the tutorial your style may prove very beneficial in teaching. The  workflow tutorials are fine but are kinda of like bootcamps, they may teach you what to do but not necessarily why to do it. Whereas by the sounds of it your processing sounds a little thoughtful based on realtime results rather than just going through the routine. (im not by the way suggesting anyone doesnt react to visual aspects as they go through the process).

Cheers. This is what I preach when taking people through processing. Look at the picture. What's right with it? What's wrong with it? Once you know that, then it's just a matter of knowing the tools at your disposal. It begins with looking at the picture and you'd be amazed at how quirky an idea this is to some new imagers! I'm not a real IT person, I'm some sort of artistic nutter.


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That is utterly magnificent.

EDIT: What workflow tutorials?  I would like to see those please?

Try the book Lessons From The Masters, Ed Robert Gendler. It's very good, honestly. The great thing about this is that there are several workflows presented, all different, all interesting, and that in itself is a great lesson. I doubt that Rembrandt's 'workflow' was all that similar to Van Gogh's!! Kinda like both of them though. Van Gogh just didn't always get his PA right. Talk about field rotation. http://www.google.fr/imgres?sa=X&espv=210&es_sm=122&biw=1536&bih=764&tbm=isch&tbnid=4p8r0-ghT-hvhM:&imgrefurl=http://www.vangoghgallery.com/painting/starrywallpaper.html&docid=ubOJp1pJtzncZM&imgurl=http://www.vangoghgallery.com/painting/wallpapers/starrynightwallpaper3.jpg&w=1024&h=786&ei=Uq56UvPGMOrO0QX-rYHIAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=4&vpy=212&dur=727&hovh=197&hovw=256&tx=89&ty=64&page=1&tbnh=140&tbnw=179&start=0&ndsp=27&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:87

But Rembrandt was a devil for black clipping. http://www.google.fr/imgres?imgurl=http://gallery.photo.net/photo/976167-lg.jpg&imgrefurl=http://photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id%3D976167&h=640&w=427&sz=94&tbnid=ozecQFnatqTRCM:&tbnh=94&tbnw=63&zoom=1&usg=__LHwemEwWuaGOsiH-Kg6GJywkK5Y=&docid=1ammW3Dvcflz5M&sa=X&ei=rK56UsjEC8rX0QWoo4CoDw&ved=0CD0Q9QEwBA&dur=624  Background is way too dark.

:grin: lly

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I had Van Goghs "Cafe by Starlight" at the top of my landing for years.   

What the original???

I used to dabble in painting myself many moons ago when I spent a lot of time cycling in France.  A most enjoyable and therapeutic pastime.

Thats quite a talent, i find cycling hard enough as it is, let alone painting at the same time ;)

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It is quite wonderful around Arles, where VG did most of his work.

@symesie04 - yes that would indeed be a skill!  I was a semi-pro bike racer many years ago but did not make the pro cut - they are the elite of the elite of the elite and in days gone by were all on the gear.  Anyway, I used to do a lot of painting on rest days and in the evenings.  Great link from Olly - took me back years!

I love the Deneb picture on the first post.  I thought the worflow tutorial refered to Astro processing ones that Olly had done :)

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Van Gogh just didn't always get his PA right. Talk about field rotation. http://www.google.fr...29,r:0,s:0,i:87

Lol and i thought it was Monet that had modded vision?  Looks Van Gogh had the full mod judging by the star bloating.

Monet? Pixelated to hell but if you hit noise reduction the painting disappears.


Hey, I'm just waiting for Orion to rise then I'm going to have to behave.

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Monet? Pixelated to hell but if you hit noise reduction the painting disappears.


Hey, I'm just waiting for Orion to rise then I'm going to have to behave.


Monet had some vision issues and had the lens removed from his eye, no lens replacement in them days and as a result it is believed he saw in ultraviolet. Hence painting in colour and not detail i guess. 

Out of interest how would you describe Picasso then? In need of thorough collimation?

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Monet had some vision issues and had the lens removed from his eye, no lens replacement in them days and as a result it is believed he saw in ultraviolet. Hence painting in colour and not detail i guess. 

Out of interest how would you describe Picasso then? In need of thorough collimation?

Picasso? Narrowband man. Painted ideas.


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It is quite wonderful around Arles, where VG did most of his work.

@symesie04 - yes that would indeed be a skill!  I was a semi-pro bike racer many years ago but did not make the pro cut - they are the elite of the elite of the elite and in days gone by were all on the gear.  Anyway, I used to do a lot of painting on rest days and in the evenings.  Great link from Olly - took me back years!

I love the Deneb picture on the first post.  I thought the worflow tutorial refered to Astro processing ones that Olly had done :)

On the gear? surely your mistaken sir ;p  Its only the last few years that thats largely been cleared up isnt it? In fact suspect many of them still are.

Full respect though, a tough sport but what a sport.

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