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A Squatter in my Scope


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I've just had to dismantle my RC OTA to evict a spider who'd made itself at home inside it and had begun to cover the mirror and criss-cross the tube with its web.

I guess it's just part of the joys of having an open tube design. My old SCT may have been a dew magnet but at least it was spider proof :smile:.

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My guest was quite a small chap and had only managed to spread an array of fine threads rather than a full blown web.

Fortunately it was quite easy to remove the rear cell on the RC so if it happens again, it's no great hardship.

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At least spiders in the UK are harmless and luckily I do not own an open framed 'scope here. If I did it could soon become home to the Redback, a sort of black widow with an England strip, not deadly but a nasty bite.

Normaly found in the garden but with winter coming in they like to move indoors.

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