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QHY8L bayer problems

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Hi all

I had first light with my qhy8l the other night. although i need to still tweak my gain/offset on capture, i'm having a lot of trouble sorting out the bayering.

First thing i noticed after capturing in Nebulosity was that i had left capture acquisition on RGB rather than RAW. I'm not sure if that's set me up for trouble or not..

I then stacked in Nebulosity and after processing realised i had pretty bad lines across my image. It only really becomes evident when i crop or adjust size.

I know about the demosaic option in Nebulosity, but i can't use this as my shots are already in colour... I've tried overriding colour reconstruction too but that hasn't done anything. Neither has changing the debayer method.

I've also tried a run through DSS today but get the same result. I've tried FITS setting on GBRG and bayer drizzle, but still getting a grid..

Does anyone use a QHY8L through nebulosity or DSS who can share their process and settings? I'm not really sure where i'm going wrong.

I'm using 15x30s stacked with 30 darks as a master dark, + 15x60s stacked with 30 darks as a master dark. Haven't put flats in.

Here's a version via Nebulosity - http://file.jezhugh.es/image/1A0Q433m2f3n

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Hi Jez,

I've got a QHY8 rather than a QHY8L but I think the operation should be the same in Nebulosity.

You should set the Acquisition Mode in the settings to RAW, then do the debayering as part of the calibration process.

I believe that Nebulosity can determine the camera used to take the images and automatically set the correct demosaic settings but you can override this in the preferences and set them manuallly:


For a QHY8 they should be:


Hope this helps.

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