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QHY5 Drivers / PHD


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Apologies of this has been asked before. Seems to be a commmin problem with the QHY5.

I bought one from ABS. No CD, so downloaded the drivers from QHYCCD.com as below.

I can get the camera to be seen by the QGvideo application.

Problem I have is with the camera not being recognised in PHD (ascom camera).

Does anyone have the exact drivers and order that they loaded to get QHY5 working in PHD.

I assume it's a driver problem,

Thanks in advance,



QHY5 64/32bit winUSB Driver Update2011-7

AstroSoftBe Version

QHY5 ASCOM Driver V4.0


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here you go from Bern at modern astronomy.

1, Do Not Connect the Camera to your PC yet!

2, Install ASCOM platform 6 from the CD, if not already installed

3, Run the QHY5 System Driver file (QHY5Drv.exe), then QHY5UPDATE.exe.

4, Run the QHY5 ASCOM driver file from the CD

5, Connect the QHY5 camera to a USB2 port.

6, Don't let Windows connect to the Internet to search for a driver,

7, Specify that Windows installs the driver automatically, ignore any warnings!

8, Windows will install the first (base) driver component, be patient.........

9, Install QGVideo planetary imaging software

10, Start - then close QGVideo when it can’t connect. This initiates the 2nd driver

component installation. Install the 2nd (IO) driver component, answer as before

11, Install the latest PHD Guiding software - if not already installed

12, If you use a different USB2 port later on you may need to re-install the system driver.

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Hi Danielle,

That's a great start, the order in which to do things.

Trouble is i didn't get the CD when I purchased the QHY5 off ABS.

Would anyone be kind enough to have a look at the CD and let me know the filenames of the drivers on it.

The QHY website has drivers, but I want to make sure i am useing the correct ones.

ASCOM platform 6



QHY5 ASCOM driver

The above may not have version numbers, but the dates nex to them would be helpful,

Thanks in advance,


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Hi Grahame, As far as i am aware, download the latest drives from the qhy5 site and the latest ascom and follow what Danielle has said in a few posts back you should be ok.

The thing is on my laptop running windows 7 after starting phd guiding when i go to the camera menu i can find the camera in there just click on it, then set the gain rate then your ready to go , set your loop time etc.

But on my old xp desktop computer i have to start the camera up by , i think its under ascom or late camera something like that then once i have clicked on it, it then comes up with the option to use the qhy5 camera,

not sure if it surposed to work like that but it works.


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From the QHY website download section, you will need QHY5 - '64/32 bit winUSB Driver' and 'update2011-7' and 'QHY5 ASCOM Driver V4.0'.

Depending on how old the camera is it may connect in PHD as 'CCD Labs Q-Guider'

Failing that then use the ascom driver

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