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Green Meteor ???


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Popped outside for a smoke after logging out of here, and right in front of me at 23:24:15 I saw a green streak that looked like a meteor trail. A bright, short trail, about 10 degrees long and arcing gently downwards just a few degrees above the horizon, due East of my position (Lat 53.5, Long -0.7). It's cloudy here tonight, and am wondering if a meteor would show through the cloud? Hard to guess it's magnitude because no stars visible for comparison, but bright!

This is getting spooky now, that's three nights in one week I've seen bright meteors (possibly) in the East, but this time I was looking in the right place at the right time...

I can't think of anything other than a meteor that would cause this. Anyone ever seen anything similar?

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Kriptonite for sure:D

Just seen...

Popped outside for a smoke after logging out of here, and right in front of me at 23:24:15 I saw a green streak that looked like a meteor trail. A bright, short trail, about 10 degrees long and arcing gently downwards just a few degrees above the horizon, due East of my position (Lat 53.5, Long -0.7). It's cloudy here tonight, and am wondering if a meteor would show through the cloud? Hard to guess it's magnitude because no stars visible for comparison, but bright!

This is getting spooky now, that's three nights in one week I've seen bright meteors (possibly) in the East, but this time I was looking in the right place at the right time...

I can't think of anything other than a meteor that would cause this. Anyone ever seen anything similar?

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As said if copper in it then it will show green, may do same with chromium as well, however if cloudy then I suspect you wouldn't have seen it as I think they burn up at higher levels then the clouds are. So would be obscured.

Sure it was cloudy last night where you were? It was pretty clear just south of you.

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There were a lot of small clouds with gaps between. The best way I can think to describe it would be a marbled sky, if you see what I mean. So i suppose it's possible a bright meteor could shine through. And yes, they were definitely clouds; I handn't had that much to drink :(

It was pretty clear just south of you.

That's not unusual, I'm sure the Great Attractor for clouds is around here somewhere... :)

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