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Well as you know i had mega troubles last night , the camera played up real bad , i sent an image to Rui who makes them in portugal, had a reply tonight saying it was possibly a low power fault , could be true i guess, but to be on the save side , i had a fully charged battery so connected that ,and also wrapped a small dew strip around the camera and reducer, as it was mega frosty again, all clouded in ready for snow , but one small gap at M42 and even that had fine cloud , could not make it out with the naked eye, so done this image , its not great but i think its all ok now , only 30 subs of 25 secs one HA and one Blue, combined in Maxim and dragged an image out lol , bit happier now , i really must have a good go at this target ,not really bothered much on it, so next clear night i will go for it



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Ace image Rog!

I only spent three hours last night and most of today on mine, and you got it lined up properly! In the time it took me to eat dinner!

Back on track mate, definitely!

I think a trip to Modern Astronomy is on the cards, Bernard's loop could make an unusual image :rolleyes:

Really glad you don't have major camera issues.

Keep well mate, I really look forward to your posts.

Captain Chaos

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