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Fine Tuning My Polar Alignment???

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Since getting my C9.25 i have taken every oprtunity that comes along to get outside and use it. Polar alignment was a new concept for me as i have only just moved into motorized mounts and such and so it has taken much practice but im getting there, however.....

Once im all setup i do my two star align, i use my 3.5mm to make sure my target stars are dead centre before moving to the next and always have at least one calibration star again dead centre.

When i then select say M42, it might appear just slightly out to the left, centre it and then it will track dead centre for about 30-40 mins before i need to re adjust to centre.

Where am i going wrong?, i always have Polaris centred in my polarfinder, latitude is bang on & my mount is properly balanced.

What more can i do?:)

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Thanks for the advice

I have been reading the procedure on the site that great_bear pointed be too...

Really helpful, but once i have done the drift alignment do i then do my two star calibration as normal?

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There's never a dumb question Alan. I found this whole process really difficult when I first started and made a complete pain of myself asking the most silly questions!! It's all part of the learning.

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You may be doing this already, but something I learnt at the weekend - just to make sure.

On your polar scope there is a circle around the centre.

Polaris has to sit on the circle, not on the middle cross hair.

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