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Getting photographic prints of astro-images?


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Hi all

I really want to get a hardcopy of one of my pics printed so I can stick it on the wall... but I've had diabolicle results in the past trying to print astro-images at home.

Does anyone know of a specialist company anywhere that has the skills and experience to properly print high quality astro-images?

Failing that... and I know this is a long-shot... has anyone had a good experience getting this done at any high-street photo printers?

Thanks all!!


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You could try here: ProAm Imaging professional photography prints

They are based in Bradford but I'm pretty sure they do a postal service. I use them all the time for my digital images (never sent any astro stuff to them, because I haven't done any yet!) but the stuff I get back is very good quality and very reasonably priced.

Take a look at the section on 'prepare your files' it is important that you download the profile and add it to you images. It's all explained on there.

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