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To build or to buy?


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After looking on the internet for many hours I started thinking about making my own 8 inch Dob Reflector. The design, being so simple seemed like a great idea and many of the parts needed like the tube, could be purchased from any DIY store. However, when considering the primary mirror this is where I became unsure whether it would be a good idea to make it myself or to purchase a fully tested and coated mirror (Or even just buy a complete telescope). I began questionning the whole idea of DIY telescope making (For now, until budget is bigger :D) for these reasons:

A) What difficulty does polishing/shaping the mirror pose if you follow a well written instruction and have the patience?

:( Practise makes perfect - But how many mirror blanks would I waste until getting a working one? Or is it possible to get it right first time?

C) Considering, making and getting your mirror coated pretty much costs the same as buying a ready-to-go one, will I expect to see one out perform the other in terms of quality?

D) Any recommendable suppliers for either a complete telescope OR mirror blanks & coating OR complete mirror sets?

Any answers or advice would be greatly appreciated :p

Karl Wilkins

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there's no doubt that you can buy a telescope of the size you mention for less money than it costs to make one even if you ignore your time.

real savings come when you make bigger mirrors 12"+

personally I'd make my own scope for the enjoyment and satisfaction not the savings.

if you mess up a mirror I suspect you can always redo the work on the same blank (if it's thick enough) and try again at least once. I've never made my own optics but it can be done with great success.

if you have the time and follow directions (there are some good threads on here and many online resources) it's feasible.

if buying the whole thing then I'd recommend FLO (see header of web page). you can get mirror blanks from Galvoptics and finished mirrors from Orion Optics, Oldham Optical and Nichol Optical.

good luck and do post pics!

I have an 8.5" f8 mirror set that I bought used for £50 and will be making this into a truss dob / travel scope at some point. total cost will still be more than a new 8" skywatcher dob though.

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I must admit I find the idea of building a dob attractive but for me right now the finances are the deciding factor.

But if the money wasn't a problem I would definitely be up for it - including doing the mirror myself.

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