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Saturn March 14th Auto Dob final process.

Space Cowboy

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Here is the final image from 12.05am March 14th, Cheshire, England.

After several versions I've finally got the colour balance about right.

Taken with Philips spc900 webcam, SW Flextube Auto Dob 250.

Ended up running the 6 min avi through vdub and edited down to 750 frames which were stacked in Registax.


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Your defiantely improving stuart, this is really good to see, considering the tracking you have, the fact its a webcam, low alt, and the fact your in the process, of improving all your imaging skills, I would say this deserves POW. Now your on a roll, hope for even better seeing, tweak that tracking, and try to get even better. i reckon you can. and so do you. Some nice detail on the planet, cassini looks fairly round too. like it. Colour looks better, to my eyes just a tad heavy blue, not a lot though, try and see if you agree you may not. The easiest way to tell is on the rings. but hey aint it good were talking about the finer things, rather than, why its blurry or this, or that. Well done

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Thanks guys!

Very generous comments Neil! Some rather stiff competition from down under for POW but its certainly my best Planetary image to date.

You are dead right about the blue Neil, I tried earlier to tweak but yellow came through....anyhow had another go in image analyser and looks better so I've replaced with re-done version.

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Think all things should be considered for POW, equipment, location, ect. Im sure all would agree with that on here, i once saw DP pull out of a competition where prizes were being given because he felt equipment wasnt being considered in the final judgment, much respect for him to have done, and said that. And its the same thing. I think you deserve it anyway.

More neutral, rings look whiter, good stuff. you know Stuart once your eye starts seeing the whites your judgment improves. But i still aint got it nailed. then again, if i look at my colour balance from years gone past. Def learning and improving. And thats all we can all do. share opinions and help each other. wonder what wavefront those mirrors are stuart, think i remember Orion testing some, and they came out about 1/8th pv, with a pretty good figure. the far east are catchibg up i think. Bet your looking foward to jupiter and venus, get a schuler uv and clouds will be possible with our better venus apparition

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Thanks again fellas!

I know what you mean Neil about equipment consideration......I guess that's why I want to extract a bit more from the spc900 before splashing the cash on a dbk.....very satisfying to get good results with a budget cam and feel I'm extracting it's full capabilities.

Interesting to hear you talk about Venus this year I was not aware of that. Never imaged the big V yet so that will be cool. As you say Jupiter will be "dip your bread in" time! :)

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You have a way with words Stuart, dip your bread in time. licking lips lol. its all relevent. Hey your not a chef are you ?

LOL! Not quite as bad as Homer Simpson....looking at Saturn then drooling "aaaggghhhhhh Doughnuts!"

Not a chef just a simple dairy farmer like most astronomers :)

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