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Baader Hyperion 13mm

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Hi all

Decided on getting a Baader Planetarium 68 degree Modular Hyperion 13mm eyepiece next month.

Was considering the 17mm?

I've got the the stock E-Lux 25mm eypiece with my scope below plus a 9mm plossl.

Hoping that a similar eyepiece user can give thumbs up on my choice, hence posting in beginners area.

Mainly a planetary viewer .



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Would recommend the orthoscopics rather than the hyperion if planetary is your preference.

You'll find the smaller field of view of the ortho much more suited, rather than the wider 68 degree field of the hyperions

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My 13mm Hyperion fits the whole of the Moon in the field of view.

Lovely sight :(

I would think you'd need a 5mm or 8mm to get a good plantary view though? I'm hoping to go the other way and get a 24mm next, then go for an 8mm :o

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I have a BH 13mm , next for me would be an 8mm possibly an Ortho. Although I'm limited in aperture (105mm f6.38).

The BH 13mm is a great eyepiece. My vixen bundled stock 6mm and 20mm Plossls are extremely dim and lacks clarity compared to the BH when compared using the SDP.

My understanding is that the Ortho will result in a brighter image due to the simpler lens arrangement for the same magnification. (given the same quality level!)

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I'm hoping to go the other way and get a 24mm next, then go for an 8mm :o

Why not just remove the first group of lenses and use the 13mm as a 22.9mm 2" EP?

I have the 5mm and with the first group removed it doubles as a 22.5.

That's one of the reasons I love these EPs, they are so flexible. If I add the Fine Tuning Rings I also get a 3.2,3.9 and 4mm EP.

Baader Info.bmp

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I depends on the scope's FL of course, but with my Dob the Moon looks wonderful through the 17mm BH, and the 8mm is great for planets. Though if I'm using the Mak the 8mm can be a bit much. I'll be picking up a 13mm at some point.

For the Nexstar 6SE (same FL as the 127Mak) I would go with the 13mm or even the 8mm for good seeing, but I think the 17mm would not give enough mag.

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Here's a view showing the 13mm hperion vs the 13.5mm ortho on your 6SE.

As you can see, for a similar focal length, the ortho has a much tighter FoV

Why would you want a tighter FoV? Is there some advantage to it that I cannot see?



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The field of view is smaller so the object would fill the field as opposed to having lots of space around it.

It's a personal preference I guess, but many planetary observers use ortho's - I have myself in the past.

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The field of view is smaller so the object would fill the field as opposed to having lots of space around it.

It's a personal preference I guess, but many planetary observers use ortho's - I have myself in the past.

Will the object be the same size though? If it is I can't see why you would want to restrict the view. But as you say, it's personal preference.



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@Chris - yes the object will be the same size. The size is determined by the focal length of the scope divided by the focal length of the eyepiece - magnification. The field of view is just that. In orthoscopics, the object will fill the field of view more than in a hyperion.

It's not about restricting the view, it's about not having an object fill the view so it becomes easier to observe details.

of course, you would want to match the size of the object to the appropriate eyepiece, so perhaps the 13mm is not best on something like Saturn - but the OP asked about the 13mm for planetary viewing so I just showed the difference in field the two eyepieces would give.

@Smudgeball - some do, some don't. The Antares ortho's always used to, but if not you can buy them separately I think.

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So (if I've got this right...bear with as I've probably not :))

I think I'll go for a Baader 12.5 ortho.

It's slightly cheaper as well.

With smaller FOV but keeping the same magnification more or less.

If I've got it wrong ...apologies.

Ideally I guess I should go for two eyepieces ?



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