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Dodgy power board on HEQ5 Pro


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My HEQ5 pro is intermittently not starting when plugged in. I've determined that it is unrelated to the power supply, so I assume it's something on the mount itself, and probably in the power board (if that's what you call that bit the plug goes into).

Is this easily fixable or do I need a new board?


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Could be a great many things - could be the board to connector solder has cracked which is easy enough to fix. It could be the board itself has cracked - harder but not impossible. Could be the connector on the board is clapped out.

It might be something more subtle - something on the board itself - failing component etc.

If the mounts new get it returned under warranty. If secondhand how good are you with a soldering iron ?

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Well I doubt a pic would show much to be honest. It could be so many things - the handset cable is another as already mentioned.

Anyone near you whos dab handed with this kind of thing ?

If your totally stuck you could take the power block off the mount and mail it to me and I;d take a look for free for you - no guarantees though.

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