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Cold but Happy!!!


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The skies stayed clear, so a great couple of hours viewing, But get this,Rita's reaction to saturn,after a couple of Nebulae,"OH this is super,You have got a really good Polar Alignment,it's not moving at all"You see, the Brainwashing WORKS! :D:p "Polar Alignment " Yet!!!!

Cheers Frank.

She Lives Igor!!!!!!!

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Nice - stayed nice and clear and cold here too but got lots to do tomorrow so couldnt stay up for Leo - Virgo etc. Everythin was pretty wobbly up there but still had a great night.

Heh - I remember when the wife stopped saying 'little scope on top' and started saying 'finder' - and then; 'eyepieces' instead of 'lenses'. She still won't brave the cold any longer than it takes to bring out a cupper though - not for 'those dots' :D

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Glad you had a good night Frank :D

We have a phrase which was handed down from my grandmother. When you're doing something that doesnt make any logical sense its "why dont you go and buy a sleeved waistcoat?"

My missus says that a lot to me lol


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