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Also my 1st Saturn


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I don't care if it's not good I love it. It was the first time I have seen saturn and I was hopping about like a loon. Made hubby have a look in dressing gown at 1.30 ish Only second attempt with webcam so now I have to go adjust Jupiter. Had dreams about saturn all night :):D:D


A very happy person

Saturn No1.1.bmp

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Ive got some more avi files to edit and some shots on the canon also just trying to find the best way for both methods. But I am chuffed it was amazing to see it, almost like it was'nt real. My 6 year old's class is doing a mini space project so I will give them a copy.

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with the 200p and a 2x barlow. 600 frames ,10fps, I did'nt have the gain right up as it looked too bright on netbook. Should I turn gain right up? I just read that you can use your sw 2x barlow with a 3x tal to make a flexible 2x,3x,5x barlow. I have 2 sw 2x barlows can you double up or am I just mad?

Cheers Jen

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Jen I would definitely use your other barlow as well. If you unscrew the lens and just use the tube inserted into your other 2x barlow that should make around 3.5x and if you pull both the barlow tube and webcam out half way to eek out some extra extension you could get 4x.

Doubling up 2 barlow lenses is not the best combination...the less glass used the better.

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Pop the tube without lens in the one with a lens.

To answer your gain question, you can try using 100% gain and control brightness by changing shutter speed. High gain will increase noise so take a 5-6 min avi and stack at least 1000 frames.

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