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Saturn last night


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600 frames stacked in Registax. Taken last night with my 8"Newt and ToUCam with a 3X Barlow. After stacking I ran it through NeatImage and had a play with sharpening and blur,levels etc in Photoshop. TBH I just played about with the image till I was happy with it.

Feel free to have a play!


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That is almost a fantastic image Blinky but it just looks a bit wobbly. I wonder if that was introduced during the PS processing. Did you try using the wavelets in Registax, they will do a much better job for you than processing in PS.

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That looks great Blinky. I can't comment on whatever techniques you are using. I don't have the experience or knowledge yet. I'll get there one day.

All I can comment on, is what I see in front of me and that is good.

Barkis. :D

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Well done Blinky . getting there mate , yes a bit wobbly as Martin pointed out , was this due to the wind , hmm maybe not, is,nt the right type of wobble , did u use registax, if not maybe try that and select the best frames and restack again, could improve that a lot, still a good start though


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Thanks fod the comments, I am still getting to grips with registax. It is that that introduced the wobble. The problem is that the AVI has a lot of noise in it (Due to the 3X Barlow being used) and Saturn is a pretty featurless planet, I am unable to find a really good 'bit' to point registax towards for stacking. I just selected two point, one being at eacj end of the rings in the 'hole' between the planet and the ring itself. After stacking the image is a bit noisy especially at the top of the planet and I used the wavelets to sharpen it up a bit. I am also pretty sure I used the realign the colour channels option but just let it decide as I was not sure what I was doing and was not sure if it needed done as its a Newt so there should be no shift?

Anyways I am off to have another play with the AVI and see what I can come up with!

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