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First time Saturn

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Noob here...just got my first telescope about a month ago, Celestron 127 SLT, and last night witnessed Saturn. Wow, very humbling. It appeared to be just white in colour, is that right? With the supplied 25mm EP it was fine, good too with the 9mm but impossible to see with the TAL 2x Barlow and 9mm. Would this have been too much mag for the SLT?

Cheers for any advice.


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With the supplied 25mm EP it was fine, good too with the 9mm but impossible to see with the TAL 2x Barlow and 9mm. Would this have been too much mag for the SLT?

I have the SW version of this scope and yes the 9mm with the 2x barlow would be too much for this scope. That would effectively be the same as using a 4.5mm EP on it's own. The EP that most often gives goods views of saturn in my collection is my 16.8mm. I've used it with the deluxe 2x barlow which is effectively similar to using an 8.4mm EP on it's own and this works faily well if the seeing is good enough. If the seeing is really good then my 6mm EP on it's own gives a reasonably good view. However, this EP gets the least use as the seeing is rarely good enough.

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I saw Saturn the night before last... breathtaking even with my Skyhawk 114p I have to say I spent ages trying all my eps and barlow... best view I think was 25mm with barlow... Can't wait to bag it again....

My next target is M1 crab nebula -Q. Will I see it?

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I saw Saturn the night before last... breathtaking even with my Skyhawk 114p I have to say I spent ages trying all my eps and barlow... best view I think was 25mm with barlow... Can't wait to bag it again....

My next target is M1 crab nebula -Q. Will I see it?

I've been trying to find the Crab with no success as yet. In my case it's probably due to light pollution. I can find the Ring neb easily when it's positioned well and I've even managed the Cateye neb a couple of times though that was with the GoTo and it was very faint. I've had next to no success though with galaxies with my scope other than Andromeda (M31). Light pollution again I think.

Strangely enough, when I owned the SW 1145pm I could also pick out a neighbouring galaxy to M31. This may have been because the 1145pm was capable of lower magnification than my current scope.

I enjoy finding star clusters as well especially the ones I can't see with the naked eye, which is most of them. It's like treasure hunting.

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I've been trying to find the Crab with no success as yet. In my case it's probably due to light pollution. I can find the Ring neb easily when it's positioned well and I've even managed the Cateye neb a couple of times though that was with the GoTo and it was very faint. I've had next to no success though with galaxies with my scope other than Andromeda (M31). Light pollution again I think.

Strangely enough, when I owned the SW 1145pm I could also pick out a neighbouring galaxy to M31. This may have been because the 1145pm was capable of lower magnification than my current scope.

I enjoy finding star clusters as well especially the ones I can't see with the naked eye, which is most of them. It's like treasure hunting.

That's very useful BazMark... I have to say that up until now when I have had the chance and skies were clear: I concentrated on Jupiter, the moon and everything around Orion... I shall make a note of your comments and check out where to look on Stellarium before my next op' thanks again...

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You'll probably have a little difficulty with M31 and M110 (that was the other galaxy close by M31) at the mo as they are not well positioned. But try the Pleiades (M45) and the Beehive (M44) clusters. I always loved viewing these two messier objects with my 1145pm as they fit completely in the FOV and look spectacular.

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You'll probably have a little difficulty with M31 and M110 (that was the other galaxy close by M31) at the mo as they are not well positioned. But try the Pleiades (M45) and the Beehive (M44) clusters. I always loved viewing these two messier objects with my 1145pm as they fit completely in the FOV and look spectacular.

Ah yes - Pleiades I have seen a few times (best edit my sig) it looks spectacular through my 32mm plossl... I shall put the others in my notebook, check their position on Stellarium and hopefully get an evening where there aren't any clouds to bag em...

Thanks again... :)

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Install Stellarium Applemac (I think it works on macs in case your name means something...) or some other astro program. Saturn is about a third of the way between East and South about 20-25 degrees up just now 22:30

Saturn is what got me hooked on Astronomy, the first time I saw that white blob with a barely discernible ring through a cheap Lidl scope that was it.

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I need to drop the Applemac tag as I'm no longer using macs, I will have a go with that software. I fear my field of view from my garden means I cant see it yet. Its also v cloudy too. Great advice thank you.

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Install Stellarium Applemac (I think it works on macs in case your name means something...) or some other astro program. Saturn is about a third of the way between East and South about 20-25 degrees up just now 22:30

Saturn is what got me hooked on Astronomy, the first time I saw that white blob with a barely discernible ring through a cheap Lidl scope that was it.

Can't agree more. Stellarium is a great program. I use it all the time to locate stuff and best of all it's free.

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You won't be disappointed in it. :)

All the controls are hidden in the bottom left corner, when the program is running just move your mouse down to the edge there and they will pop up.

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