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NEQ6 Tripod Stop Position


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Hi All,

I have noticed that the tripod for the NEQ6 has the AZ stop between the legs rather than over one of the legs.

I realise that this might be for slewing reasons so it will not bang the scope on any of the legs.

My question is, have more experienced EQ6 users swapped the stop over to be over the leg or kept it where it is? Which works best for UK area?

I know that there was or is a thread on this, but I can not find it.


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yes I have swapped it over as it makes life easier when I am looking through the polar scope between the tripod legs. It just looked right after I had swapped.

You can always swap it back. I fancy getting one of these. It may help you also

Skywatcher - Skywatcher EQ6 Extension Tube

Do these extension tubes not make the scope a little high? I will probably at some point gat a pedestal for it.

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I immediately swapped mine to over one of the legs after loading up a 10" Newt and counterweights then leaned slightly on the scope from behind and the whole thing started to tip.

In fairness I shouldn't have been leaning on the scope :) but the whole setup feels much more stable with the stop position over a leg.

On the other hand my 10" Newt never came close to hitting the legs whatever position was used.


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If you think the newt is a bit long try setting it up and doing a full slew. The extension makes it easier for long tubes to miss the legs but you are right in that it may make it a bit high. try measuring how high it would go by extending the legs to see if you can still observe comfortably before committing to buying anything

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I use an extension on the NEQ6pro ( the basic version of the extension only comes in Black - so you need to paint it to match the mount:()

The added height without spreading the legs I find very usefull (and stable - using a C9.25)

One issue... I had to "modify" the plastic handcontrol holder to fit onto the extension -there was no way it could reach to the original position on the tray!!

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I use an extension on the NEQ6pro ( the basic version of the extension only comes in Black - so you need to paint it to match the mount:()

The added height without spreading the legs I find very usefull (and stable - using a C9.25)

One issue... I had to "modify" the plastic handcontrol holder to fit onto the extension -there was no way it could reach to the original position on the tray!!

I wrapped my extension pillar in velcro and now use it to attach as sorts of stuff to such as filters in their little cases, hand controller, LVI smartguider control box, GPS mouse etc.

Very handy

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