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Objects by constellation


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Over time I have created a little web site which lists the key objects by contellation. It has some constellation maps etc.

Its very simple and is black with white text so does not affect night vision too luch compared with white charts etc.

I use it if I am looking at say cynus to remind me of what to look at, of course an atlas helps but sometimes I look at it in advance of viewing..

Just in case its of interest.



P.S yes I know its not 100% complete as its still a WIP! I may add maps to locate some of the objects etc..

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I like that it's nice and simple and for that reason I've added it to my favourites in my iPhone. I can see me consulting it on those nights when I've not got time to prepare a list of targets.

One comment I would make is that the constellations only seem to appear in one month and one month only. Orion, for example, is listed in January whilst it's still well placed to view now in the middle of February. Perhaps, listing the constellation in those months when it makes reasonable viewing, maybe restricting it to the best couple of months?

Thanks, Martin

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So then lets play big society.

Look at the link to NGC 1023 in perseus...I need you all to send me gifs with a black background 500 pixels width and perhaps 350 - 500 pixels height showing how to find all the objects and I will then upload them and link them.

Perhaps pick a section like globulars or double stars etc.

Go on, I will put them up as a link and it will be invaluable for others and will save me all that effort.

I plan to add finder maps over time but it is time consuming.

We can then use the finder maps at SGL6 at the scope to find things.


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