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Departing Clouds at Night

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Lovely photo Jim, makes me want to go to the coast with a backpack and camera!

I love to play with good images just for fun, and I ran yours through HDR Efex Pro. You may not like the overall effect, but I did like what it did to the rock in the foreground!



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No offence meant here but i'll be totally honest here and say that i think you've ruined a perfectly good image.

Star trails have vanished,the sky and water have gone from being lovely and smooth to noisey and harsh looking.

Might have worked if you just applied the effect to the foreground only

but the overall shot looks terrible now.

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Thank you for the great comments. I'm enjoying the results I'm getting under moonlight. This was from November and now we have several feet of snow on the ground and I can't wait until spring to get back out.

Thanks again.


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