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DSS - Out of memory - Don't know why.

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Can someone help with this. I am trying to stack 48 lights and 52 darks - Far less than I have done at other times, but this time I am getting out of memory message.

I have looked through the forum and can confirm that I do not have the drizzle function selected. When it begins, it tells me that it will be using 5.2GB of memory and that I have over 60GB of memory available.

I can not understand as I have stacked far more than this before with no issue.

I am using raw files from my 7D.

I hope someone can help as I'd like to stack these M109 files!!

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DSS is a 32bit application, and as such can only access 2Gb of RAM like any other 32 bit application. Doesnt matter if you have a billion Gb of RAM in the system, it is still limited by being a 32 bit application.

(A 64 bit version is in development)

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I have had this problem myself, and this was how I resolved it.

Check under Stacking Parameters > Result. Make sure that 'Enable 2x Drizzle' or 'Enable 3x drizzle' are NOT ticked. That basically increases the size of the final image and even my fairly high-spec computer can't cope with it. I think that setting is fine with smaller CCD images, but with DSLR-sized images it will result in the 'out of memory' message.

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Luke, you can use the drizzle, and it does a quite nice job with dSLR images (I used it on a glob image with my 80ed), but you have to set an ROI on your reference frame before hand.

Thanks John. Didn't know that. Very useful indeed!

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I noticed that if you deselect "Save Output" in the Stacking Options, Output tab, then you get this error, so that may be one thing to check.


Is that the auto save function?

How on earth are people stacking more than 2GB of images on here then? Also, I can't work out how come I have been able to stack almost 200 short subs, but can't manage 48 longer subs.

It can not be that longer subs create larger files?

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Were the 200 "Jpegs" and the 48 "Raws"?

Also worth keeping an eye of free disk space and seeing where DSS is storing its temporary files...

Option -> Settings -> Stacking Parameters -> Intermediate Files...

These Higher MP DSLR's really start to tax DSS I have noticed a big difference inthe processing time between the 1000D and the 500D


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Sara, are you certain that you haven't got the 2x or 3x drizzle ticked? I had mine ticked for some time till I realised that was the problem.

As John (jgs001) says, you will get an 'out of memory' error unless you have used a rectangle to select a smaller part of the image to process.

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Nah, it's a pain really and I'm sure it'll get simplified in a future version. Probably takes 10 times longer than DSS and fills your disks up too, but hey I've never been disappointed with the results!


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I don't mind taking the time as at the moment I can't even get DSS to stack my images!! Something is better than nothing!! Having a go with PI now, it seems rather complicated - Why oh why can PI be so damn difficult?!

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Cheers - Will try that next time - Already started the 'stack'.

I have followed the tutorial on here, there are just so many steps to follow, it just seems like overkill. I just don't have any other option though with DSS as it is at the moment. I'd love to know how others stack more than 2GB of images.

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Well, what a total crock - PI shouts out of memory as well. I HAVE OVER 50GB SPARE - What the hell is going on. Definately do not have the 2x or 3x drizzle on.

If I can't stack the subs I may as well not bother taking them. Please, can anyone make any suggstions?

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Hi Sara,

You saw my reply on the other post...now I've seen this one....seems you are at wits end!!!

I'm not so sure about the 2GB limit...I thought DSS writes to the hard disk (slowly :)) when it runs out of RAM...but I may be wrong. Best to check by posting a question on the DSS forum...they are always quick to respond.

If my other suggestion doesn't work then the thing to try is to see how many subs you can stack. Try something like 5 lights with one MasterDark....then go up. This will check there is not something up with a computer setting somewhere, or something set wildly wrong in DSS (it could happen to the best of us!).

If that doesn't get you very far, then just find someone with another computer, download and install DSS and find a way to dump all your image files on and try a stack. You only need the Autosave file at the end.

I have a dual core laptop with 4GB RAM and it won't run one of the PI scripts....runs out of memory. My old single core 2GB laptop runs it just fine. No one has been able to work out why and no-one has the same problem....even people with the same model laptop. I spent weeks tearing my hair out....and it just will not work. I now use my son's computer to run this one script and then transfer things back to my laptop for everything else.

Some people think computers are logical. We know better. ;)



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50gb of hard drive space!! Doh!! How can I see how much RAM I have? I thought I had at least 3gb - Yep 3GB of DDR ram.

Thanks for the posts Simon, what is really silly is that only a couple of weeks ago DSS merrily chomped through almost 200 raw files. Nothing has changed since. Anyone point me in a direction to clean up my RAM? I have recently cleaned up the old files and deleted them and regularly run a defrag - All of which should keep it all running well.

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Your RAM will be 'cleaned up' just by switching your computer off and on again. Infact it shouldn't really ever get 'unclean'.

Have you done a virus scan? Have you run something like ProcessExplorer (from the Microsoft website) to check that something else isn't running in the background and grabbing all your RAM? These might be daft suggestions but the fact that you had big stacks running a week ago suggest something has changed....well obviously.

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I'm doing another system scan, last one was only a couple of days ago. I think that my system is clear. I run Panda AV, Spybot, and AVG. I've just looked at the processExplorer, but not sure what I'm looking at if I'm honest.

Will let the scan run while I'm off to bed!!

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