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Department vs. Non-department with same aperature

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Just a quick question here, and probably likely a very noobish sounding question. My current scope is a 60mm, but it's a department store scope. If I were to get one of the same aperature from a non-department store manufacturer (like Orion, are they any good?), would there be any difference at all? I know, silly question, and I'm almost certain I know the answer, but I just want to make sure. :)


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It should make a fair difference but its important to know that not all 'department store' scopes are created equal. I got some great seeing and images from my old department type tasco.

The worst 'non dept' is probably far worse than the best 'dept' scope.

What brand is your current scope ?

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It should make a fair difference but its important to know that not all 'department store' scopes are created equal. I got some great seeing and images from my old department type tasco.

The worst 'non dept' is probably far worse than the best 'dept' scope.

What brand is your current scope ?

My current scope is a National Geographic brand scope. Not exactly sure how good they are compared to other dept scopes or non-dept scopes though.

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My only experience of nat geo is a tiny one my parents had, it was terrible in the extreme, the kind of thing that puts many newbs off. It was about a foot long and came with a joke table top tripod.

If all nat geo ones are similar I would say you will get a huge difference when you upgrade.

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My only experience of nat geo is a tiny one my parents had, it was terrible in the extreme, the kind of thing that puts many newbs off. It was about a foot long and came with a joke table top tripod.

If all nat geo ones are similar I would say you will get a huge difference when you upgrade.

I can't say that my experience with this telescope has been the best either. It's great for viewing the moon, but that's about it. It came with three eyepieces-25mm, 12.5mm, and 7mm (?). The only useable one is 25mm one, and for looking at planets like Saturn, you can just see the buldge where the rings are. The other two eyepieces suck because I can't focus with them. The barlow lens that came with the kit sucks because you can't achieve focus at all.

I think it's time to upgrade. It's too bad that I always take interest in these expensive hobbies. I'm sure my parents will just be thrilled when they hear that I want to upgrade. :)

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