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Kaptain Klevtsov

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Got this last night but it's not very good. The Newt. kept itself free of dew but the focal reducer didn't so I lost quite a few subs.


I tried later for the flame Neb. in Ha as I couldn't find horsey. After 20 minutes I lost the flame as well, seems my shed walls are in the way, odd that I didn't notice that in the dark. Tonight if the weather permits, I'm off after horsey from the HEQ5 as that is further from the south wall.

Here's the carp flame anyway.


Fingers crossed for tonight!

Captain Chaos

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Down a bit, down a bit, left a bit. Fire! Very hard gitting HH when you only have a small chip. Good luck tonight CC

The shed wall was in the way of HH, couldn't work out why it wasn't showing up, no stars, nothing. Tracked about a bit and got the flame, so hit record. After a while that went too. Scratched my head and then looked at the 'scope. It was pointed at the wall, so puzzle solved.

Captain Chaos

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It was pointed at the wall, so puzzle solved

I had one like that CC, was imaging the moon one night and couldn't

get focus at all till I noticed that the scope had tracked low and was looking

at the moon through the greenhouse glass :oops:

Good captures by the way 8)

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