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Any ideas what this is??

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A Waffle? I presume you mean the grid on the really bright star?

Looks like multi diffraction spikes, are you using your Newt?

Sorry for the three questions. I know it's rude to answer a question with a question, but three is past a joke.:icon_eek:


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Yes, the grid on the stars

No, ED80 refractor

A waffle........

The blue filter from the M101 subs shows no such pattern....

I'll double-check they are clean, but I wonder if its some sort of reflection - but then why doesn't it show on the the others....

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Was the data flat fielded? I've seen similar patterns to this is the flat field pattern in the blue on some high-end CCD chips. Would be quite surprised if you say it in data though...

It also looks a little bit like the artifacts you can get if you do some funky fourier transforming on the data to try and get rid of/enhance certain spatial frequencies. Did you run any sharpening routines on the data? Maybe they run a fourier transform, and you're picking up the resonances from the saturated core of the bright stars??

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