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What Are Your New Years Resolutions....


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Havent seen a thread like this here, sorry if Ive missed it, but as the title says:

What are your New Years Resolutions?

They can be astronomy related or just general resolutions. If this thread does exist show me where and Ill add mine to it :eek:

To kick it off here are mine:

Get the scope out more;

Do more astrophotography with a view to moving into guiding;

Do more photography in general as in 2010 it has dried up a bit for me;

Relating to the above will be to print more images and enter POTY 2011 (instead of talking about doing it!)

Get fitter and lose a little weight (in preparation for my wedding which I am starting to plan for the end of the year.)

Generally enjoy myself and not let the economic outlook get me down too much.

So over to you....

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My news years resolution is to win enough on the lottery so I can by a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally big fan to blow the clouds away! I have never know such cloudy skies and I have been observing since I was 7 years old and I am 47 on Thursday!!!!


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1/ Ease up on week night drinking (equals no enthusiasm)

2/ Pull my finger out and finish my OU Astronomy course before April

3/ Weight loss (yawn)

4/ Important one this :- "Appreciate what i've got equiptment wise"

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I don't usually make any, but this year I'm making loads. The astro-related ones are:

1. To get in at least one proper observing session each month

2. Write better notes

3. Go to a star party

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