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Skyliner 300 or 350 FlexTube Synscan

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Hi all :)

I am interesting for buying a 300P or 350P FlexTube Synscan.

- Do you have any advices and is there any advantages to select one of those than the other (except more inches and +/- of cost) ?.

- Also, have you hear any problems for any of the above versions ( tracking, GoTo accuracy, transportation, optics etc.) ?.

Your comments much appreciated,

thanks in advance

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Hi there,

I have the 350 flextube synscan. The views are amazing the scope is pretty nice except for the poor eyepieces supplied and terrible instructions.

However, it is VERY big, the base doesn't fit through most standard UK door frames without tilting on it's side and angling it around which is difficult because it is VERY heavy!! It does however split into 4 pieces if needed.

I have found the GOTO very poor and the tracking less than ideal (but obviously better than a manual dob!) From reviews I have seen this was much less of an issue on the 300 but I have never used one myself.

If you need to move it around a bit and are counting on the GOTO then i'd be more tempted by the 300, if you simply want the best light grasp and are prepared for the inconveniences then the 350 is the way to go.

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However, it is VERY big, the base doesn't fit through most standard UK door frames without tilting on it's side and angling it around which is difficult because it is VERY heavy!! It does however split into 4 pieces if needed.

Hi! Thank you for your replay. So, I suppose I can't lay the base on the back seat of my 4 doors car. The pictures I see here Sky-Watcher Skyliner-350P FlexTube SynScan dobsonian telescope. is for smaller telescopes? Not for 350 or 300?

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The pictures in that link are a bit misleading cos that's a big car. I have a volvo estate and can't load the 300p flextube in either of the ways they suggest there.

I put the base on it's side in the boot and the ota flat on the back seat. And it's about the limit of my lifting ability in it's two parts. If you want portability in an average car then get the 300p. If the scope will be permanently at home then follow Stuarts advice above re the 350p :(

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I used to own a 300p Flextube. I have a Vauxhall Zafira and the OTA sat across the back seat, with the dob base sitting uproght in the back. It was a great 'scope and I had lots of good observing sessions with it.

I changed to a 350p Flextube GOTO a few months back. This is much bigger and heavier. The OTA sits across the back seat of the car but the dob base has to go in the rear on its front. The dob base is VERY heavy and is the limit of what I can carry. It appears as good as the 300p optically, and the extra aperture does seem to make a difference.

I have not had the same GOTO or tracking problems Rossco72 has had. Once set up I find it tracks stars for 30-60 mins fairly well. The GOTO is reasonably accurate. I can slew 120 degrees between Messiers and get the object on the EP FOV (using a 13mm Nagler, giving me a tFOV of 0.67 degrees). It isn't perfect, but is reasonable enough.

Size and weight are the issues with the 350p - it is on the limit of what a single person can move around.

But whichever one you end up with, they are both good 'scopes.


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I firmly believe that anybody considering a dob of 10" and above should NOT buy one without first having either gone to a star party and had a look through one or failing that get to a shop a look at one. You need to see if you can fit the scope in your house/shed and whether you can lift the thing, otherwise you may end up with a scope that you hardly use due to the effort required in getting the thing out.

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Hi there,

I have the 350 flextube synscan...

However, it is VERY big, the base doesn't fit through most standard UK door frames without tilting on it's side and angling it around which is difficult because it is VERY heavy!! It does however split into 4 pieces if needed.

Happy new year to all. :eek:

Most of the time (90%) I will use it from home. I understand I must have a look first through one. But for transportation, if the setting is only for 4 pieces, how long time it takes to mount? Mount and dismount will be a big problem? It needs more time to setup, than an equatorial mount?

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Can you store the dob in a garage or shed? If so then moving it outside will be no problem and if the garage/shed is unheated the scope will be ready cooled so you'll have a 12 or 14" grab and go scope, brilliant.

The setup time for a dob, if you don't have to take the base apart, is literally two minutes and even with a GOTO dob it's going to be quicker than using a equatorial mount.

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I have a Skywatcer 8" Dob. Optics are in the quality everybody know. Not the best, but it's ok :eek:

I am in 5.8 mag sky and I use it frequently if whether allow.

Has anybody an opinion about skyliner 300 & 350 optics? Are any improvement or I have to wait the same results?

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The C11 is the weapon of choice for planetary viewing and imaging, according to many. I don't have one so I can't really say. But it needs a hefty, expensive mount, doesn't it? It's not really comparable to a Dob.

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An EQ6 can manage an C11. An C11 have considerably more central obstruction than an sw 350, so the contrast would be better for the 350. But the C11 have f/10 and 350 have f/4.5. f/10 is better for high magnifications because the longer focal ratio is more forgiving for the eyepiece. However there are eyepieces like Naglers and Pentax SW wich can manage focal ratios down to f/4. So I wonder if anyone has tested.


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We have a 300P Flextube Goto in our group. The goto has proved to be excellent while the powertank has enough juice. And tracking also very good. The chap that owned it brought it to site in his Mini Cooper S......so transportation is not a problem.

Optics were good. It definitely excels at deepsky and when coupled with a 13mm Ethos or 31mm Nagler, provided breathtaking views of all the deepsky objects visited. M31 in 31mm Nagler as viewed from the Salisbury Star Party was the real standout.

Can't comment on the 350. Another member was contemplating that scope but bought 300 instead.

As said already, the 300 is an easily transported scope but perhaps the limit.

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So from all I have read here until now, 300P must be a good telescope more easy for transportation. Tracking very good. Optics... I suppose will be at the same quality like my 8". No improvements there. GoTo as I read from Internet and friends here, is accurate..

So now, I have to take opinions about 350P . I am really interesting for this. Stuart (Rossco72) had some problems. Tom (Albireo380 ) had not this problems. This makes me thoughtful. It was just an occasional cause? Or because 350P it's heavier, tracking and GoTo works harder, and not manage it?

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Perhaps wait a little while to see if anymore reviews or feedback appear on the net. The 350 is very new and not enough time for users to feedback into the system. Not sure how many have been sold? But reading how Stuart has struggled to move it around, get it through doors etc, that would be enough to put me off. And to think there is a 400 on the way too. Blimey, surely that'll be obs based?

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Stuart, what do you thing, the poor GOTO & tracking is something has to do with motors? Have you determine if it's the same system like 12" or are bigger? (there is 16" edition :) with the same motors? )

Also if I can ask you, after this time you have it, have you made up an opinion, about the 350P Tom (Albireo380 ) own, why has no the same problems?

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I assume your talking about the 300P on a Dob mount, if your talking about it on thye EQ mount I'd say forget it unless you have a permanant obs set up.

I just cellected a 250P on an EQ mount and its a monster, the very extreme limit of what I can carry and to be honest I dont think I could get it onto the EQ mount solo.

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