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Eclipse glasses safety check...


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Hi all

Just wanted to run a quick question by you. I have just ordered some eclipse glasses for the partial eclipse on Jan 4th. In the past I have used mylar sheet to make filters for binoculars and telescopes and I am wondering if I could use the glasses to do somthing similar. Basically incorporating each 'eye' into a pair of light-tight filters for a pair of bins...

Would anyone know if this is ok, if the filters in these glasses is sufficient for use with bins.

Many thanks


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As I don't know the transmission characteristics of these I would say to be on the safe side definitely no.

As far as i'm aware they are only for eclipse viewing with the naked eye (I still don't trust them)

Scopes and bins magnify everything they receive through the objective including heat and UV.

If someone braver than me thinks different fine but for me my sight is too precious.


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You could get some Baader film through FLO? It costs £14 for an A4 sheet.

That's what I'm doing...

Where's a coffee can when you need one? Duck tape and cardboard I have...


This film cuts down light to 1 part in 100,000 and is coated on both sides. I'd use it, if it gets here in time. If not, not a prob, I'll try next year :-)

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You need to be very very careful on using any item when viewing the Sun. A friend's daughter went to the 2002 total eclipse and was given, by the tour organisers, a pair of eclipse glasses. Unfortunately they were not perfect which resulted in retina burns and she lost her sight.

So if in any doubt DON'T risk it.


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