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How do I start Imaging

Sierra Golf Mike

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I look in awe at the various images posted here and I want to give it a go. At present I do not have a motor drive for my EQ3/2 so that pretty much limits me to the moon at the moment. I just don't know where to start though, is there a beginners section anywhere? I have a DSLR and compacts but as yet no adaptors or mounts. So a big ask I know but what advice can you experts give to get me started on a very limited budget?

Thanking you all in anticipation.


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Webcam imaging would be a nice cheap way into it. You can get one of thos spc880's for around £20 and flash it to spc900. All it then needs is a 1.25" nose adaptor and it will go straight into the focuser (a 2" focuser will need an adaptor).

Get wxAstroCapture imaging software and Registax stacking software (both free to download) and Gimp is a free photo processing package. Then away you go capturing the planets :)

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Webcam imaging would be a nice cheap way into it. You can get one of thos spc880's for around £20 and flash it to spc900. All it then needs is a 1.25" nose adaptor and it will go straight into the focuser (a 2" focuser will need an adaptor).

Get wxAstroCapture imaging software and Registax stacking software (both free to download) and Gimp is a free photo processing package. Then away you go capturing the planets :)


Thanks for that, this sounds like an inexpensive way of starting out,

a couple of questions though if you don't mind me asking:

1. Do I need to modify the Webcam in any way?

2. Is the nose adaptor a standard piece of kit?

3. Do I not need the motor drive unit for my mount?

4. Does the webcam work with Windows 7?



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You can buy the motors for about a 100 quid.

I have what purports to be a motorised EQ3-2 mount (that's what it says on the invoice) but it looks more like an EQ5.

You can compare mounts and motor accessories for the different types of mount on this page: http://www.telescopesales.co.uk/system/index.html

GGGRRR!!! This link doesn't work because it only takes you to the home page of that company's site. Just browse for skywatcher mounts and accessories on that site and you'll find it. It's useful because it compares all mounts and motors on the same page.

I attach my canon 450D to my 200P scope using a T-adapter. You can buy them for different camera types. In my case the T-adapter attaches to the camera and screws in to the eyepiece holder. I guess this is pretty standard, but you could ask any telescope supplier for help on that I guess.

PS If you want any further help please let me know. :-)

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