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crayford focuser

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im looking at upgrading my rack an pinion as its just not smooth an hard to get focus on big manification.

i dont want to be spending loads as i have 2 holidays coming up, christmas and i always want things for my camera too.

i just want a nice smooth focuser :)

seen these so far

2" / 1.25" Crayford focuser for Newtonian telescopes on eBay (end time 15-Dec-10 13:45:48 GMT)

Skywatcher - Skywatcher Newtonian Focuser 1.25/2 inch

Revelation Newtonian Crayford Focuser Dual Speed on eBay (end time 24-Dec-10 23:19:55 GMT)

theres not much in price difference but if anyone can advise on which to go for it would be appreciated.

its for a skywatcher 250 and will be used on high magnification plus imaging with a webcam


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I have the Revelation focuser and this wins hands down for me as it's a dual speed with fine focus - this transforms your ability to tune the focus by miniscule amounts.

I also have the dual speed SW which is about £120 and the Revelation is just as good as this. I'd wholeheartedly recommend it. the only possible advantage of the SW one (that I have not the one you link to) is that it is lower profile than the others and more suited if you ever intend to use a DSLR. other than that the Revelation is my recommendation.

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Forget the first two focusers. There about the cheapest of the crayford type and not exactly top quality.

The Revelation is a good mid-range focuser with far better build quality than the first two. I've used/owned a few of them and have been very pleased with them. Definitely a "Best Buy". You have to spend quite a bit more to get a better focuser.

You can get a SkyWatcher type baseplate from Scopes'n'Skies Astroboot for £2.00 that will make the Revelation a direct bolt on replacement on a SkyWatcher Newt/Dob.



Scopes'n'Skies has taken their Astroboot offline for a few weeks.

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I think the general consensus on these is that with the moonlites it's all extremely smooth and with the others the coarse focus is a little, well, coarse and the fine is very close to the moonlite.

like everything it's likely to be a diminishing return on cost I s'pose. never tried a moonlite but I have lots of others things to buy before I spend £300 on a focuser but may well get one someday.

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You won't be disappointed with the Revelation crayford. It may need some minor adjusting to get the very best out of it, but it's still amazing value for money.

As you go up in cost focusers will be more precisely made, smoother and able to handle more weight. While Moonlites are very nice, they're still not the best available. A Feather Touch rack & pinion focuser is more precise, smoother and able to handle a lot more weight than a Moonlite, but unfortunately it's also about £600.00. :)

Whatever you do never try a Feather Touch R&P focuser. I did and look what ended up on my FLT98. :D


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wow that's a beaut John.

I suspect that you'll be retaining that one if you ever sell the scope on.

On one hand it's far too much to spend on a focuser, but then again the first time I used it I couldn't help thinking it was worth every penny. It really is that good. :)


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definitely can be expensive but if you want to, you can also keep it cheap too.

I was somewhat dismayed when a plastic 20mm Kellner in a cheapo (not plastic) SW barlow was not that far away from a 10mm Radian in my 6" f11 scope. there was a difference but if you're not too fussy......

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would the autofocuser be good with the standard rack and pinion??

im really considering that after reading up on it.

i want to give webcam imaging a try and it sounds perfect for high magnification fine tuning as there is no image wobble :)

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I'd go for the Revelation dual speed, I have and absolutely love the thing. I upgraded from a Skywatcher rack and pinion like you are and the difference was amazing. No more slop, lower profile, better build quality, extra smooth focusing even at high powers and looks great attached to the side of the tube :)

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