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The ups and downs of a new CCD - SX M26C


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Having got fed up of trying to get my QHY8 to talk to my computer I recently decided to buy the new SX M26C 10 megapixel OSC CCD.

Steve at FLO warned me that I would have to wait a few weeks (which was 4 weeks in the end). Life got a bit sticky here when Steve phoned home and told Jackie I had a new camera awaiting delivery :D.

On the basis that new kit/software never works I was expecting trauma and wasn't disappointed. I had expected adaptor problems screwing the camera into my Gerd Neuman filter drawer but everything went fine. The camera is incredibly neat and compact. The software loaded up, the usb connected ok and Maxim appeared to connect to the camera using the SXuniversal driver.

Then it was down hill

- only a thin strip for an image - turns out Maxim doesn't yet have a driver for the M26.

- the clouds lifted to leave a gloriously transparent sky (always a harbinger of a doom for me)

- attempted to use SX capture software ;)

- focusing nightmare. After a few fuzzy subs of double cluster I discovered the Bahtinov mask for my ED120 perfectly fits the dew shield of my FSQ 106.

- Got 3 hours of 10 min M45 subs but 1 hours worth were pretty duff for some, as yet, undiagnosed reason.

- All subs darkened towards the centre, not looking good.

- unable to get proper calibration frames with SX software.

Terry Platt to the rescue - he's patched me up so that I can use Maxim and calibration frames running as I type :). The darkening at the centre is the effect of microlensing on the large chip. Also gave me some handy tips on the best way to use flats on OSC images.

Don't know if I can salvage the M45 data but hopefully now up and running.

I'll do a full analysis of the camera over the next few days and put together a review

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At least your up and running now. You need to share the tips regarding flats with OSC as well!!

btw if you are selling the qhy8 there was somebody on astro buy sell a couple of weeks ago looking for one.

Apparently you need to collect the flats then in Maxim you 2x2 boxcar binned flat to create a mono flat.

My QHY8 has taken some pics I'm really pleased with but it is so temperamental. I'm sure it's a software issue rather than the camera itself but I will only sell it if I know it is working ok.

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Do you create a mono flat Steve? My EL panels don't emit G2V light and I think the boxcar filter is just a way to pull together the 3 colours to counteract any colour imbalance. Perhaps DSS does it automatically

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I always boxcar filter my flats for my OSC CCD but the binning 2 X doesn't make sense to me. I assume that after the binning you then double size the flat to match the resolution of the CCD? The boxcar filter should work on its own though as destruction of the flat's Bayer Matrix is all that you are aiming for. The action of binning will do that but so too will the Boxcar so not sure why you would want to do both?

That said, I would hang on Terry's every word 'cos he does know what he's doing!

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I believe that DSS normalises the seperate RGB channels to make up for any level difference in the individual flat frames. I know my EL panel is very blue, and is low in red, and yet DSS somehow sorts that out.

Exactly the same here - bluish EL panel - just chuck it all into DSS and let it sort it out:)

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