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Best way of looking thru Dob Finderscope?

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After using a small skymax 127 finderscope I thought the large 8x50 finder on my new 10" flextube auto Dob would be easy to use but i'm finding it very hard to locate stars.

My normal tecnique with the 127 was to look through the finder with my right eye while looking at the star with my left and then slewing the scope to bring the two together. Frustratingly this is not working with the Dob. Maybe its because I'm bending over from the side and not getting my eyes perfectly square?

Any tips from Dob veterans would be gladly received thanks!

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I found the same problem even with an EQ mounted scope - close to the Zenith its very hard to get your eye into position and it can mean adopting yoga like poses. IN the end I bought a right angled finder which seems to be a common approach.

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I'd agree with the Telrad/RACI finder as this is just what I did. transformed my ability to locate things.

re the conversion from straight to RACI, you could do it but you'd need to shorten the tube, get a prism / star diagonal and also an eyepiece etc. not really worth the bother in my view - get a 6x30 RACI for £30-35 used!

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Telrads are great - especially if you're using star charts as well.

If you go for the right angled finder - get a "Correct Image" one - then the scope moves with the view (i.e. up/down/L/R correspond with what you're seeing).

It's a personal choice but thats what I get on best with. I use the Orion RACI 9x50, they also do a smaller model - bit dear but it works :)

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