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Baader Hyperions just arrived!

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Just received my Baader Hyperion 21mm and 13mm eyepieces today. Luigi from f1cameras said they were big but he didn’t say they were industrial size! I can’t imagine ever looking through a standard eyepiece again; there is so much eye relief. The only down side is that my ETX is feeling a bit unwell and has to be sent back to Meade so I can’t even try them out. Never mind, something to look forward to!


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Thanks Caz and Philip.

The EXT started doing all kinds of funny things, first I noticed was when taking a 15 second exposure of the Pleiades and I got star trails. I thought that even an ETX should track better than that! Realigned a few times and the scope just kept doing its own thing. Upon contacting f1cameras, they suggested checking the scope/handset cable and indeed, I found it to be damaged at one of the connectors. Quick as a flash, f1 arranged for a replacement but unfortunately the problem persisted; in fact it seems to have died altogether. Anyway, it’s on its way back to Meade for a repair and I just know it’ll seem like an eternity until I get it back. I bet we have some cracking clear nights as well (fingers crossed for you guys at least)!


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Sorry to hear about your ETX.

Which ETX do you have and have you checked that the Hyperions fit? My ETX105 struggles with wide bodied eyepieces - they hit the rear shoulder of the OTA before sitting properly in the focuser...

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Thanks Philip :D

Steve, I haven't tried them but guess I might have some problems. Mine is a 125 but am thinking about future scope which they might fit better anyway. Considering a 12" LX90, Williams Zenithstar 110 or (dream of dreams) an old Zeiss APQ. Getting resistance from the other half but I'll keep working on it in my usual childish "but I want one" fashion Trouble is, there is so much to look at up there you almost need a scope for every occasion. I started off just interest in the planets and moon but over the summer, the few clear nights we had really turned my onto deepsky. Oh what to do. Would even settle for an ETX at the moment :D

Arthur - Yes, f1 did suggest I might need some counter weights.


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