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Decision time on next scope and its tough

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Although I love my little skywatcher 130pm its time to upgrade I have

got it down to two scopes the skyliner 200p and the mak 127 not on

goto by the way I like to find stuff myself thats half the fun :)

this is the crux I have seen some stunning planetary and moon

images taken with the skywatcher mak127 and I def want try

webacam imaging as soon as possible.. I love the dob as well but will

I be able to do some decent planetary imaging I keep making my mind

up on the mak then going back to the dob and vica versa any comments on either of these great telescopes would be awsome... sengoksa

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The Mak127 will be better for planetary imaging because of the optical design and long focal length allowing for high magnification afocal imaging (i.e webcam imaging).

However that aside, the Mak127 is not an upgrade for your current telescope. It's just a different way of doing the same thing with some advantages. At the end of the day you won't see more with this telescope.

You need to increase aperture. It's the most important factor. I would say start looking at 8" or 9" scopes to really see a difference. Otherwise you're going to be dissapointed. The skywatcher 130pm is a cracking little scope, and spending a similar amount of money again isn't going to give you a better telescope. To really uprage you're going to need to spash some cash!

EDIT: The Dob you mentioned at 8" would be an upgrade of sorts. Dobs are always the cheapest way to bigger aperture. If you're happy with their large open design then it could be what you're after (my Mak127 literally fits in a briefcase to carry around). I guess you have to ask yourself what your current scope doesn't do that you want it to. Again these two scopes arn't significant upgrades IMHO. Others will no doubt drop in with their advice and opinions. :)

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I agree 100% with bus_ter on this - you really need to go for an 8" scope now. An 8" F/6 dobsonian is a great all round scope for visual use. Not really any good for imaging though but you can't have everything !.

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Well tbh I was always leaning towards the dob and ive seen some

pretty good webcam imaging using the 200p as well.. Wish i could

get the 10 inch but 265 quid for the 8 '' is a wonderful price :)

thank you both for your input ..ps hope im right in thinking that i

could put the 8 inch dob on EQ mount somewhere down the road ?

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I was in the same boat as you, well a little i'm not into photo's, and after what seems likes months of looking and chatting on here i went for the 200p Dob (should be here monday), i also have the 130P, i thought the dob was better value for money over the 200P on a EQ mount, same optics but the price was more then half!, but of course if your doing webcam then maybe a Dob is no good for you

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Concerning imaging will I be able to get reasonable moon and planetary

images using the 8 inch dob and philips 880nc flashed to the 990:D

Ive virtuly settled on the skyliner 200p but still cant get the mak 127

out of my head heh wish i could afford both...:)

ps those minitron cameras look great but im already going to be eating cheap

noodles for a year lol maybe in a few years il try one, small steps at moment... sengoksa

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People do manage to do webcam imaging through Dobs but a tracking mount would obviously be better. Maybe try a separeate post on dob-webcam. I have never tried it.

I agree with the others that you risk making a non-upgrade. For all its fine optics the 127 Mak is a small telescope and only good at some things. If you wnat to see more deep sky you just need aperture. Trouble is, once you introduce the photography side you introduce a new parameter and this may cause more compromise than is worthwhile.


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I've had a mak127 for a while and am getting a big dob for Christmas.

If you've go a 130 now I think you'll be disappointed 'upgrading' to a 127 mak. It's a lovely scope but it's the same aperture. I love my mak but it is pretty limited to planetary and lunar, if you want to see more you need a bigger scope :)

The mak's lovely to look at though, I can see why you want one especially as we seem to spent more time looking at them than looking through them!

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I'm just a visual observer (and aperture Junky!) so would have no problem choosing an 8 inch dob. Why not get a smaller high-quality scope like a 3 inch 'frac' which would be great for astrophotography still ?


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