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Crayford finderscope problem

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Hi all. I've just finished fitting my new crayford to my Celestron omni 120 refractor, and have only just realised there is now nowhere to attach the finderscope. Is there anything I can do about this? I can't believe I didn't realise b4 I bought the £%!"£ thing!!!

Any help would be really welcomed.

Thanks and clear skies

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Yes, there are a few finder feet available depending which type finder you have. I think Scopes'n'skies have a standard Synta dovetail foot that fits. While Opticstar have a William Optics style foot for £15.



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Wow, thanks guys for the speedy replies. I'm so relieved I really thought I'd done something stupid and just thrown £130 down the drain. What a relief, thanks for the help and clear skies to you

Sometimes a bit too quick - a bit of cross posting going on there! :)

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I have a black Skywatcher / Vixen finder shoe that already has the additional hole that Russ mentions and an M4 screw as well. If you are interested, PM me and we can sort something out :)

Here are "before" and "after" pics showing how my finder foot fits:



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