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first ever pic!


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It would be cool to see a section with just photos that were taken with cheap cameras and cheap webcams. I would love to get into taken better photos but its a lot of fun just taken shots of the moon. I find my normal little digital camera cant take photos of the moon it just gets washed out with the glare from the moon but my little mobile phone camera seems to be able to block off the glare and if I hold it steady can get some good shots. The next stage will be a proper SLR camera and seeing what I can get with that. But the moon just has so much to learn about and discover it could keep me busy for the rest of this year.:)

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Good luck with the new scope. The great thing about digital photography, either with a phone or normal camera is that you can check your results straight away and retake the picture if needed until good results are acheived, great stuff! Oh the wonders of modern technology.:)

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great replies and some great pics from phones! glad im not the only1 !

ordered a 200p from flo yesterday, so as soon as the cloud lets me im gonna retake that pic to compare.

A new 200p! your going to have a lot of fun with that I got mine a few weeks ago and look forward to each evening now. One word of warning when you get it if your getting the eq5 mount with it then replace the bolts that set the latitude the very long bolt that adjust the latitude down to zero is very susceptible to bending if you put too much downward pressure on it!

This happened to me last week and it was a real [removed word] to get out again as it had bent to almost 25 degree angle! I solved the issue by screwing a long bolt through the bottom mount hole on to the bent bolt and carefully tightened it down to straighten the bent bolt and hooray it came out. So be very careful and replace that long bolt with a stronger one asap.

Looking forward to seeing the shots you take!:)

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Hi weso, several others have replaced the bolts from various suppliers and posted it on the forum but I just bought two bolts from my local hardware store for 30 pence. When you get your telescope take a look at the long bolt that adjusts the latitude angle and take them both out and just move the latitude scale up and down you will find it to be quite stiff. Take a close look at how the bolts push against the metal stubb. If you put a simple screw driver in the bolt hole for the long bolt and push it up against the metal stubb you will understand how if you push to hard down on the mount this can easily bend the long bolt. Once you have had a long look at it put both the bolts back in the front bolt is shorter and the other one is longer that is the one that will be most likely to bend if you force it. The thing to do is to take the long bolt right back so its almost out then move the latitude to about 52 degrees. When you have done that turn the short front bolt in so its resting on the metal stubb then screw in the long bolt so it rest against the other side of the metal stubb. This will effecitvly lock the latitude scale in place. However.. you will find when you go out to align it to the polaris star you will need to go past the 52 degree mark a little bit so when that happens remember to loosen the long bolt right out of the way so its almost out what ever you do do not move the latitudue scale with out getting that long bolt out of the way first and you should be ok. If that long bolt gets bent down you will be in big trouble like I was. Just be exstra careful and you should be fine. If your not sure when you get your new scope just private message me and i will do my best to help you when you unwrap and set up as it was a bit confusing. Also the plastic knobs that adjust the right assention and declination are a bit stiff when you have to push them on to the spindles so dab a bit of grease on them first. Hope that helps and if you need any more advice on getting it set up just let me know:)

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