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Skytravel 80T guide scope

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Hi Freddie,

One thing to bear in mind is that a lot of folks like to use their guide scopes as a wide field imager (with their main scope in this case acting as the guidescope). The ST80, being an achromat, will result in violet halos around the brighter stars in the image. These can I believe be processed out but it's extra hassle.

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Quite true above about not being an alternative imaging scope but that apart they are the absolute business. I have just ordered another ST80 from FLO for a more than reasonable £85. They are f5 - fast so they find stars - and solid so low on flexure risk. (Are you listening, William Optics? My ZS66 is disturbingly bendy in the draw tube region.) You get rings thrown in and - brilliant - they have a shoe for the finder so that gets built into the system for no extra effort. Love 'em as guidescopes.


PS - not to mention a thingy for carrying your camera for widefield. It's a one man band of guiders!

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I agree with Olly...I haven't found a down side yet!!:icon_salut::)

I use mine with a flip mirror - look through and confirm the field; then flip over to the QHY5 guide camera and all is well!!!


(Mine is mounted in ADM minirail/rings ontop of a C9.25 at the moment...but that may change;)....)

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Oh, another plus side... if you're travelling, and want to travel light, they fit nicely on a camera tripod, and provide some lovely widefield views too, fitting in a maplins flight case with all the ep's, barlow, diagonal, finder etc. With an appropriate CA filter, you can even get decent views of the moon at reasonable powers too.

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