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NGC 7380 Wizard Nebula


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Here is my first attempt at combining data from my mono Atik 314l+ to make a colour image.

It comprises of 10 x 10 minutes Ha data + 14 x 10 minutes of OIII. The OIII was shot under the big fat harvest moon 25/26th Sept. Ha data was acquired under more favourable lunar conditions on the 17/18th Sept.

Total imaging time 4hours.

The combination used to generate the colour image was;

Ha = red, OIII = Green, OIII + 33% Ha = Blue

Camera - Atik 314l+

Scope - WO Megrez 72

Filters - Astronomik 12nm Ha + OIII

Image calibration, combination & processing in Pixinsight.


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That's one target I havent tried as yet, thanks for the reminder :icon_salut:

Hope the little WO is performing well for you John, it looks like it is.

OIII is not the ideal one to go for when the moon is full, it really washes out and you lose detail.

I'm not sure about the stars in the second one though :( Have you tried the deconvulve tool to tighten them up a little? Use a star mask and play around with the settings a little to get the effect you like.

How does this one look just with the Ha?

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Yeah I'm loving the WO Megrez, cracking little scope!

Take your point on the stars, re-sharpened in decon.

That's one target I havent tried as yet, thanks for the reminder :icon_salut:

Hope the little WO is performing well for you John, it looks like it is.

OIII is not the ideal one to go for when the moon is full, it really washes out and you lose detail.

I'm not sure about the stars in the second one though :( Have you tried the deconvulve tool to tighten them up a little? Use a star mask and play around with the settings a little to get the effect you like.

How does this one look just with the Ha?

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