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iPad useful?

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Don't be too hard on the tablet PC. I have an old Samsung Q1 tablet PC which is absolutely ideal for controlling a webcam while standing next to the scope. Its small, runs XP and I can operate all the capture software with a stylus while holding it. Its also useful for quick comms checks of attached kit. You can see a picture of it here: Stargazers Lounge - BlueAstra's Album: Equipment - Picture

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I don't have an iPad but SkySafari works on the 3GS and can control a telescope through SkyFi just as the iPad can. Though the screen is much smaller you can fit in your pocket and it does exactly the same. Another good app is Pocket Universe though it's not as reliable it does have some other interesting features. SkySafari is my favourite though, the interface is fast, responsive and holds over 2.5m stars down to 12th Mag. It's also the most expensive at about £12 with the expansion pack but in mho well worth it.


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  • 1 month later...

Some of the astro apps for the iPad do look nice. I'm still sitting on the fence, though so I'll probably wait for future models. I always worry about these electrical gadgets in the field, however. My laptop running Stellarium gets very unhappy as the temperatures drop near freezing.

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I just saw this...

RS232 Serial Port to TTL Converter Module MAX232 on eBay (end time 23-Oct-10 15:52:29 BST)

and remembered this thread. Would that do the job to connect it direct to the mount?

No, that's TTL not USB. FDDI do a USB to TTL but there's likely to be a USB-RS232 device. The voltage levels can be 3-25V for RS232..

One interesting tip bit is that with the latest iOS version, it will refuse to supply more than 20 milliamps. This stops some plug in devices attempting to run off the iPad itself.

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Well after a few weeks use of the iPad I think it's well neat. These days I hardely ever bother booting my main PC ..........The iPad is just so darn convenient to browse with.

It boots instantly which make it perfect if you just want to quickly check something online. It's brilliant as a car sat nav with a decent sized map. I have to say when other half bought it I thought it would be a complete waste of cash but actually it's a brilliant tool for lots of stuff.

Nearly all my web browsing is done with it now. Ite larger touch screen keyboard is a boon and allows me to type at almost full sized keyboard speed which is tons better than the iPhones teeny screen.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been looking at the iPad for some time now, trying to justify the hefty price tag for myself. I think the list of Apps I would use keeps on growing and as the developers get to grips with the iPad more and iron out the bugs it will become worth my while to get one. I did not really need a MacBook but I splurged the money on one and I've used it quite a bit, the same will probably be true of the iPad. At the end of the day what do we really need besides food, water, and a roof over our heads? :)

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I've been looking at the iPad for some time now, trying to justify the hefty price tag for myself. I think the list of Apps I would use keeps on growing and as the developers get to grips with the iPad more and iron out the bugs it will become worth my while to get one. I did not really need a MacBook but I splurged the money on one and I've used it quite a bit, the same will probably be true of the iPad. At the end of the day what do we really need besides food, water, and a roof over our heads? :)

A brain to think with, senses to observe with, and a heart for compassion?

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Just get one! I got mine about 3 months ago and I have to say it is the best thing I have ever bought. As Astro Baby said it is just so convenient to use and you hardly ever need to use a computer. For astro purposes there is a very wide range of apps, for me the best is either Stellarium (which you have to pay for which is a shame) or Pocket Universe. Stellarium is the one I use most but when I'm actually out observing although it is quite buggy. Pocket Universe is good for planning what to take a look at. Stellarium is good to use in the field as well as there is a night vision mode, so you can use it whilst not having to worry about losing that hard earned sensitivity in your eyes!

I couldn't recommend getting one enough!

Hope that helps,


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